Chapter 16

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Tobin's Pov. 

It has been 2 weeks since I left. Two weeks and I feel a new person. When I left, I was a broken record, not knowing where to go. I eventually went to visit my aunt, and when she saw me she welcomed me with open arms. I loved visiting her and uncle. I told my aunt about what happened, and she gave me the best advice. Do not hate on them forever because that wouldn't help myself become a better person. I decided to leave for California, and when I arrived I found a place to stay by the beach. The first couple of days were pretty hectic. I found a local gym, and started to work out there. I met some new people who were cool and chill. I went to the beach and would sometimes bring a ball to not lose my foot skills. Especially when I was in either a bikini or swim trunks and a sports bra, both girls and guys would get a good stare and sometimes ask if I was single. I wasn't looking for someone any time soon, and just said that I wasn't into their gender. I did some recuperating, and did some thinking on life. When Seth punched me and his ring cut me, I had a scar under my eye. Not a big one, but it did give a show After days of figuring out what to do, I found that I knew what to do. When the second week was almost over, I decided to head home. I packed up, and said goodbye to my new friends and left to my home. 

Two Days Later 

When I parked my car in my usual spot, wearing a muscle t-shirt showing off my new arms, and some sports short, almost everyone stared at me. I had to say I looked like a new person. People who whisper to their friends. I laughed at myself, and walked in the hallways. The same thing happened inside. I spotted Amy and Lauren, and snuck of behind them. 


"Ahh, holy mother shi..." said Amy but when she turned around, she stopped dead. 

"Tobin!" she lunged at me, and gave me a bone-crushing hug that I could feel my back crack. 

"Amy, the girl just got back let's not kill her on her first day," said Lauren through laughs. 

"Good to see you guys," I said. 

"Regards, how was your trip? Where did you go? And where did you do to your nice arms?" spilled Amy. 

I laughed, "Trip was good, California, gym," I said at once, "How is everyone?" 

They both looked at each other with worried faces. I could tell that this was not going to be good. 

Lauren cleared her throat, "Everyone misses you. Alex hasn't really shown up to practices. Jill is worried about the team of falling apart and she doesn't have one of our 2 best players. Carli and Becky and are trying their best to keep everything in order. Kelley still hates Alex, and yeah." 

I sighed, "That is a pile of shit that we don't need. God, I'm so sorry guys for leaving. If I've known that this was going to happen, I wouldn't have left." 

"No one blames you leaving Tobin. You were in an unstable position," reassured Amy. 

"Wait, what about Christen?" I asked suddenly worried of the forward. 

"Christen? She misses you, but she isn't taking it as hard as Alex. I think she understand why you left. She's a great person, and you are pretty lucky that you dated her," smiled Lauren. 

I gave a weak smile. All the damage that I just heard was incredible. The bell rung signaling us to head to our classes. I walked in, and sat down by the window and looked out. Suddenly a book slammed down at my desk. I jumped in my seat, and looked up and saw Morgan and Kling hovering over me. 

"Tobin Heath lives," said Morgan smirking. 

"Hey Moe," I said standing up and giving her a hug. 

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