Chapter 21

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Kelley O'hara

After seeing Hope at the party, I would not keep my eyes off of her. When she and I danced, especially when we slow danced, she would make sure I was kept close to her. When a slow dance came on, she would sing the lyrics to my ears. I would close my eyes, and rest my head on her chest. I would see Tobin and Christen slow dancing and would be in the same position as Hope and I. And then I saw Alex and Servando. I could see Servando whispering things in Alex's ears and she would end up laughing. I still disproved of Alex. But I noticed that things have cooled down. I knew that I couldn't have her forever, but what she did to my best friend was almost unforgivable. I had walked up to the car with Hope, driving home. We decided that since it was so late, we would crash at my place since my house was closer. Hope was out cold in the shotgun seat, and I heard her light snores. I chuckled. When I pulled into the driveway, Hope was still asleep. I knew that I I was no way near as strong as her, but I had to do something. If I could, I would try to pick her up, but I was also tired.

"Hope, we're at my house," I gently nudged her arm.

She shot up, and looked around, "Are you okay?" I asked.

"Oh, fine, forgot that we were here. Geez, I'm pooped, let's hit the sack," she said, getting out of the car. I quickly followed her behind, and opened the door. My parents told me that they were with a reunion with some of their high school friends for two nights, so I was on my own. We went upstairs, not bothering to brush our teeth, and crashed on my bed. My bed was a queens, so Hope had a side to herself. Once Hope made contact with the bed, she immediately fell asleep. I quietly put on my pjs, and pulled the sheets over Hope. She gave a noise of content, so I knew she was fine. I crawled in bed, and laid on my side so I faced Hope's back. I just watched her as she breathed. I couldn't believe that she was in my bed. We weren't doing anything, but sometimes I thought what it would be like if... Oh geez, I couldn't finish that sentence. Hope and I haven't haven't gone to third base yet, and I think that we were both too shy to do anything else. Sleep suddenly took over, and I fell into a deep sleep.

Next Day

The morning light shined through the windows, making me blink twice. I looked over to see Hope's side was bare. I got up, and called her name, no answer. I suddenly got worried, and ran downstairs. She wasn't in the kitchen. I then ran back upstairs, and was almost closed-lined when an arm stuck out of the bathroom.

"Kelley, you alright?!" Hope said, getting out of the bathroom.

"Yeah, fine. Sorry, I woke up and didn't see you. I freaked out."

"I didn't hear you, I had my morning music going on," she chuckled.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing, just that your cheeks are a little red."

"Oh, I get that sometimes when I'm nervous."

"I always twitch my eye when I get nervous."

"Never noticed, guess you're never nervous."

"You kidding? I always do."

"Whatever, you hungry?"

"Is that a question?"

I shook my head, and walked back downstairs with Hope behind. I was about to pull out a couple of boxes of cereal, but I got a better idea for breakfast. I pulled out of a different cabinet some pancake mix. I showed it to her, and she laughed.

"I'm not a master chef, but this girl can make killer pancakes." she said.

I then squealed, and grabbed a big bowl. I turned on my music, and we danced while we mixed and poured some batter on the hot pan. Hope would sometimes break into a dance, and hold the spatula up like a microphone. I laughed. I then had an itch, and rubbed my nose. I then went back to stirring, when Hope laughed at me.


"You've got something.." she gestured towards my nose, and I wiped it away. She shook her head, "Still there," she walked over, and cupped my face, and took her other hand and grabbed a towel. She then wiped my nose, and smiled.

"Much better," she whispered.

I decided that I was going to tease her, and put some pancake mix on her own face. She then recoiled back, and looked at her reflection of her face. She then turned around slowly, "You shouldn't have done that," she said, before turning off the burner before we set a fire and ran over and taking some of her own batter and putting it on my cheek.

We eventually made a mess, and were somewhat covered in pancake batter. We then ended up laughing, and Hope grabbed me from behind, and gave me a backwards hug. We were still laughing, and when I turned around, but still in Hope's arms, I licked her nose with batter on it.

"You know it's got raw eggs in it right?"

"Not going to kill me right?"

"True, but do you know what's going to kill ME?" I gave a questionable noise, and she leaned in, planting a kiss on my lips.

We then got into a rhythm and our bodies were pressed against each other. She then grabbed me, and lifted me up. I had my legs around her waist, and she set me on top of the counter. I could then feel her hands going up my shirt. I moaned, and asked for entrance. She welcomed me to, and I soon went to the next round.

"Are you sure you don't need a ride home?" I asked as she was packing her stuff.

"Naw, I'm good I can walk to the bus stop and take it from there, " she grabbed her stuff, and when we were downstairs, she stopped at the doorway.

"Thanks for the pancakes, we should do this more often."

"Are you just talking about the pancakes?" I giggled.

She smiled, she then leaned in, and gave a gentle kiss. We then leaned our forehead together, "I love you so much Kells,"

"I know, I'm just so glad that we could come out of shells that we liked each other."

"Me too, who knew what the future had planned us."

I then waived goodbye, and watched her go. When she disappeared, I gave a victory cheer. I've never had her sleep over. We would cuddle on our beds, but nothing more yet. I was in no rush.

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