Chapter 19

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Alex's Pov. 

I still wasn't sure if going to Tobin's place was right. Before I left, I had a fight inside of me. Half said I should start making mends to our scars, and the other half said, "don't even try." But after I left and talked with Tobin, everything felt better and that was all that mattered. I drove back home, listening to the music along the way. As I was on road, I remembered  that the Semi-dance was coming, and so far no one has asked. I hoped a little that Tobin would ask me, but if she didn't that would be totally fine. I was planning that if no one asked, I would just go with a group of friends. I arrived back at my house, and sat down to watch some T.V. when my phone buzzed. I looked and it was from Servando. 

Servando- "Wanna get breakfast tomorrow?" 

Alex- "Sure Ihop?" 

Servando- "Great!" 

Since it was starting to get a little late, I took a quick shower and put on my pajamas and continued to watch more t.v. 


Servando picked me up from my house, and we left to go to Ihop. Along the way, he kept entertaining me with his singing. He wasn't the best, but he kept on trying to tsing those high notes. I thought of Servando not to be a very close friend. I liked hanging out with him and god did he ever make me smile. We arrived at the place, and sat down at a booth. The waitress came, and asked for our drinks. 

"So, what are you planing for the dance?" he asked after the waitress left. 

"Oh, I haven't thought about it much. Thought I would go with some friends, but, I wouldn't mind if someone asked me." 

He only nodded. We ordered our food, me asking for a a stack of blueberry pancakes and Servando ordered chocolate chip pancakes. We started to strike conversations. I talked to him about the recent game of the women's national team against Brazil. I ranted that Marta should've gotten a foul against Brandi Chastain. One thing led to another, and I started to talk about equal pay. Servando wasn't against women's rights. He agreed that women should have their time to shin under the spotlight. Before anything else could happen, the waitress came back with the pancakes, but with only one plate. She set the plate in front of Servando. He thanked her, and she left. 

"what about mine?" I asked after a few minutes. 

"It'll come, just need more time on yours I guess," Servando said. 

The waitress came back, and when she set the plate down, I gasped. The pancakes were shaped into letters. PROM? I looked up at Servando, and he had a hopeful smile. I looked back down at the plate with the words. All these thoughts rushed in my heads. I thought in the future what it would be like having Servando having his hands on my hips instead of Tobin's. I finally looked up at him. 

"Yes," I said with a wide smile. I knew that he was a kind person and thought going on a dance with him would be worth while. 

"You have no idea how happy I am," he said. 

We then started to eat the pancakes, and every bite, was like a mouthful of regret and excitement going down. 

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