Chapter 15

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Kelley's Pov.

I was devastated that Tobin was gone. One of my best friends left because of love relationship issues. I hated that things like this change your life for the worst. I watched her leave, not turning her head around. Tears started to form in my eyes. A part of me felt torn because Tobin and I were really close friends. I then realized who the problem was. I spun around, and made a bee line to Alex. Without her giving her an warning, I closed lined her, and she fell on her back.

"You did this to us! You made Tobin leave. She trusted you, but you just had to make everything worse!" I screamed above her.

She was speechless. She looked scared, and looked like she was trying to get up, "I swear to god..." I was then pulled back by strong arms and realized it was Hope who was holding onto me.

"Let go god damn it!"

"Kelley, you need to calm down!" she said trying to get a firm grip on me.

I kept on thrashing, not caring if I hit someone. Alex got up, and saw Servando coming up behind her checking on her. I then stared. I hated that Carrasco. I hated both of them, if he hadn't come to Alex and kissed her than none of this would have happened.

"You," I pointed to him, "This is all your fault!" He stared blankly at me, "I thought of you as a good friend, until you took THE worst time to make you're move."

"Kelley, don't blame this on him please," said Alex.

"So your going to protect him now? I thought you were with us Alex, I thought you wouldn't leave our side. I guess you found a new lover," and with that, I stormed out with Hope behind me.

Hope's Pov.

When Kelley stopped thrashing around I loosened my grip. I know how Kelley felt. I've been there. I watched as Kelley yelled at Servando and Alex, and when she was done, she ran out. I knew as her girlfriend I couldn't leave her alone. I walked after her, and when she turned around a corner, she stopped and started to cry.

"Shhhh here," I spread out my arms, and she rushed in. Her hands covering her eyes.

"What have I done?" she whimpered.

"You told us your feelings. There's nothing wrong with that."

"Yeah, but I'm pretty sure that Carli or Becky is going to bench me now. This team has fallen apart. Everyone was trying to avoid this, but there was no way. Love is so complicated."

I then thought about what she said at the last part. Love is complicated. Does that mean she doesn't want us to be together? I didn't want her to be in a relationship if she thinks relationships are going to destroy each couple.

"Do you not want to be together?"


"Well your saying that love will just get in the way of things. Do you not want us to be together?"

"I know that love is complicated, and to be honest I'm scared if we get into a fight. But I'm not afraid to go on. I love you Hope. I love you so much," she said through her tears.

And that was the first time that she said she loved me. I looked at her with warm eyes, and cupped her face, "And I love you," I said, and then went in to give a passionate kiss.

I felt her soft lips with mine. I could feel her tears touching my cheeks. I broke our kiss, and wiped the tears away. We started to laugh, and gave a tight hug, "I'll never leave your side. Never."

That just made Kelley's grip tighter. I love her so much. I was so glad that we met each other. When the bell rung, we then headed our ways to go to classes. When I sat down at my desk, I looked out the window. My mind wondered where Tobin was going. I worried for her. I know that she could take care of herself, but she was like my younger sister and even if she didn't feel it, I was scared if something would happen to her.

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