Chapter 17

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Tobin's Pov. 

I unlocked the door, coming back from a run, sweat dripping on me, and took a quick shower, and put on a Tomboy shirt and some grey shorts, and fell on my bed. I then started to read some Harry Potter, which was one of my favorite books to read. I was one of those people who got really into it and imagined that I was in that moment. I was in the part where Harry met Hagrid, when I heard my doorbell ring. I got up, and didn't look in the peep hole and when I saw who it was, I was shocked. 

"Umm.. Alex, what brings you here?" 

She immediately looked down, shuffling her feet,  "I..uh.. heard you got back," was all she said. 

"Thanks for checking on me, wanna come in?" I moved off the side. 

"Oh... um, I don't want to be a bother." 

"Don't worry, I'm just reading come in." 

She finally came after debating, and when I closed the door and turned around to see her looking around, I felt a wave of sadness. I missed her and I wanted to be friends again, but I know that it will take time to heal. 

"Did you have a good time in California?" she asked. 

"How did you know?" 

"Word spreads," she smirked. She sat down and looked at me. 

"It was fine. Met new people, and faced my problems I guess." 

"That's good,  I'm glad that you are better. I like you seeing like this than how you were before." 

I smiled. I wanted to be friends again, but I didn't know if Alex wanted more than that, "Are you thirsty, can I get you something to drink?" 

"Sure, Gatorade will be fine." 

I walked to the kitchen, and pulled out two blue Gatorades out of the fridge. I walked back and gave one to her. She gladly took it and took big swigs. Our conversations were kept short. I could feel the atmosphere thick. I knew that Alex and I needed to get straitened out, but I didn't want to rush things. 

"What book are you reading?" she asked. 

"Oh, just Harry Potter. Love the series." 

"Really?! I love Harry Potter, what book?" 

"The first. I've read the series before and sometimes I go back and read them again." 

"I think the books are better than the movies. The movies always leave out the good parts in the book." 

"I would partially agree. As much as I love the books, the movies give the watcher a better understanding at the situation. Sometimes its hard to describe scene. Better to show them." 

"Yeah, but they don't always give the character's looks right as the book does," she pointed out. 

"An actor or actress can't pin point a character from a book exactly." 

We kept on arguing about the books and movies. It wasn't those bad arguments. It was one of those friendly argument trying to see who would have to agree with the other person first. We some how moved from the sofa to the bed, and I was reading as we were talking, and her feet were on my pillows. I was laughing as I tried to tell her to get her feet off of my pillows. We had a good time. Her familiar laugh brought back memories, which made me cry a little inside. Alex's smile was contagious if I wanted to be all cheese. When I checked the time, it was two hours since Alex was here. She had to leave and when we gave each other a hug, she left. When the door closed, I thought about Christen and Alex. All these thoughts rushed in my head. Who will I choose, Christen or Alex? God this felt like Twilight it made me sick. I suddenly  did feel sick, and rushed to the bathroom. I pulled my hair back, and felt food come up. I hadn't thrown up in awhile, and it surprised me that the idea of relationships would be a cause. When I was finally done, I sat still on the bathroom floor, and rested my head on my hands. I felt such a mess. But I wasn't going to let a throw up stop me. I got up and brushed my teeth and went out for a walk.

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