Chapter 23

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Hope's Pov.

"You can't keep us here forever!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I banged on the cold metal walls that felt like they were suffocating me. I was scared. I only wished Tobin was in a better state than me. 

Hours before 

I walked down the street to the café to grab some coffee, and when I ordered my drink and walked out, but feeling like someone was watching me. I shrugged the feeling off, and went to go walk to the library to study. Sometimes I would look behind my shoulder, finding out to see no one following me. When I saw the library, I hurried my pace, and soon was at the entrance. I found a nice quite place, and pulled out my History stuff, and started to jot down notes. I wasn't someone who loved to study, but I never would want to fail. I would probably rank myself as an average student. From the corner of my eye, I saw a pair of feet walking towards me. I looked up, and saw Tobin. 

"Sup, Tobin?" 

"Nothing man, just studying for an Honors Chemistry test," she said. I knew that she was pretty smart, and those were one of things I envied her, "Mind if I sit across?" she said. 

"As long as your quite." I smiled.

 She sat down, pulled out her things, and played some music to herself and soon we were both writing things down. Tobin would move her head side to side to the music, and would sometimes tap her pointer fingers against the table in a rhythm. I then had to find a book for my studies, so I walked around to try and find one, and when I was looking, I saw something peculiar. Seth, was a few book shelves away from our table, and looked like he was pretending to read a book, when in fact he was watching us. Freak. I knew that someone was following me. I hurried back over, trying to set off an alarm that I found Seth, and under the table tapped Tobin's foot. She looked up, and pulled her earbuds out. 


"We've got company. I was trying to find a book when I saw Seth looking for trouble." 

"He wouldn't start something in a public place." 

"But once we leave into a quitter place, then he'll strike." 

"Could we go out the back door?" Tobin suggested. 

I looked around, and saw the back door, but I was worried that Seth would easily see us getting up, and leaving, or he had his friends with him to back him up. 

"We could sprint our way, but we would cause noise." 

"Better than meeting the boys," pointed Tobin. 

"All right, but what about our stuff?" 

"Our bags our light, we can silently pack them," she whispered. 

We started to pack up, and I looked up, to see Seth a little closer. I tensed up. I gave a signal to Tobin, and she knew. We both moved our chairs back slowly, got into a leaping stance from our chairs sow e were ready to take off. I put my fingers up visible for Tobin to see, and counted down to three. When my finger hit 1, we lunged off of our chairs, and to the back door. I never looked back. We ran down 1 flight of stairs, and opened the door that led us out to the alley or the public parking lot. It was about noonish so the sun was bright out. We ran to the end of the alley, until two jocks came turning a corner. We stopped and looked back, already to see three others. I sighed. So much for a secret exit. Soon enough, Seth was walking out of the door that we just came out of. 

"What do you want Seth?" I asked. 

"Let's say that my team has had it. We're tired that you guys get away with everything."

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