Chapter 26

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Tobin's Pov. 

It has been a week since I left the hospital and the days at my apartment were aggravating. I could only eat ice cream, soup, and drink tea or water. Practically any kind of liquid. I couldn't eat anything else cause my insides were really sore and if I ate anything like chicken, it would hurt to swallow it. Christen took care of me, and to me she worked too hard. I have tried multiple times to have her sit, but she's always trying to make me feel comfortable. But it wasn't always just Christen. Sometimes Ashlyn and Ali would come over, and Kelley would come and catch me up with Hope. Man, Hope shouldn't have been there. After all, Seth did say he hated me more. 

It was a Tuesday, and I have missed a week of school. My friends brought homework for me, and it wasn't that bad. Jill thinks Hope and I got into a car accident, and she's really missing her starting goalkeeper and her best midfielder. But she did have Ashlyn and Alyssa. I was watching some soccer, when someone knocked on m door. I walked over, and looked through the peep hole and saw Alex. I opened the door, 

"Hey Lex, what are you doing here?" I realized that was the first time I called her that since we woke up. 

"Jus too drop off your History homework. Julie couldn't do it, so I did." She handed me a small packet. 

"Thanks. Wanna come in?" 

"Thanks, but I have to run. I'm meeting Servando at the movies, "she awkwardly shifted her wait onto her other leg. 

I nodded, "You guys are in a serious relationship. How is it?" 

"Really good. He and I spend a lot of time together, and he is nowhere like Seth." 

"That's good. I'm glade you like Servando, "and I really meant that. I wanted Alex to have the best relationship. She deserved that. 

"Well, I better get going," she said, before giving me a gentle hug. 

When she left, I closed me door. I walked back, and set the packet down onto the counter. I walked to the window, and looked out at the city. I rolled up my sleeve, and saw the scars that Seth and the bouncer like guys did. I really want to tell the cops, but I was scared that they would come after my friends. I couldn't risk that. It was too much to have them know about who beat us up. I didn't know why Hope would tell them. If they came to me first, I wouldn't have said anything, but there's nothing I can do about it. I went to my room, and took off my shirt to see the full damage. I saw the scars all over. Three on my stomach, and small ones on my arm. My back was just eh same too. I had a long one starting at my shoulder blade and going down to the center of my back But under those scars of my stomach, I sill had my abs. One of things that pissed me off was that I couldn't do any kind of hard exercising. I could do speed walking, and some stretches, but that was it. I wasn't aloud to go to the gym, which sucked. But the next appointment with the doctor, I'm hoping I could start again. I put my shirt back on, and went to my small balcony. I was leaning over the railing, to get some fresh air. I looked out at the city and saw traffic slowly moving. I didn't mind hearing those noises, but I would prefer to hear quietness. 

Half a week later 

I was finally able to go back to school .Hope was too, and the stories I heard about her were bad.  She kept on hitting the walls of her families house cause she was going crazy. I wasn't aloud to drive yet, so Kelley picked me and Hope up. When we got to school, everyone there gave me space. It wasn't those mean looks or rude whispers, just those faces of, "I'm so sorry" or, "Jesus must have sent an angle down" kind of looks. The team was with Hope and I, and we were not going to go out into the courtyard, or the west wing part of the school .That's were the jocks are always at. I saw Cole, and when he saw me, and came and gave me a hug. I really liked that guy. He was the only jock that the team liked. He quit the football team, and joined the lacrosse team instead. Whenever I saw him and Christen, they gave each other knuckle heads. They really did seem like brother and sister. Classes were slow though. Teachers welcomed me back, but then started the lesson. When the bell rung for lunch, I was supposed to meet with Allie at my locker before. I walked to my locker and put my stuff away, and waited for Allie. Someone coughed behind me, and turned around and saw her. 

"Finally, started to think you forgot me." 

"Sorry, gotten into trouble with a teacher, but its good now." 

"Lets just go, I'm famished." 

We walked in, and got in line for the food. As we were waiting, people around us gave me some glances. The first couple of ones were okay this morning, but now its getting awkward. I didn't like being center of attention. I picked my food, and paid for it and walked with Allie to our usual table. I sat down, and we started to eat. We were the first at the table. I then heard the familiar voices, and saw the rest of the team come in and get in line for lunch. After a minute or so, the jocks came in. I quickly dropped my head, looking at the floor. I heard Allie shuffle in her seat, and did the same. After what I thought was safe, the jocks were sitting on the other side of the cafeteria. Our cafeteria was really big, so it was pretty hard to see. I gave a sigh of relief. When the team came, Alex sat down next to me. I gave a warm smile, and she returned one for me. Christen then came, and when she saw Alex smiling at me, she dropped her smile and sat across from me. I felt bad, but I didn't want to move and make Alex feel bad.

 I finished my food, and told everyone that I needed to finish some work, so I left. I actually went around the corner and waited for the right person. When I heard footsteps, I was about to reach out, when I almost embarrassed myself to other people. I had to wait for awhile, when I heard again some feet coming down the hall. I got ready, and when I recognized those green eyes, I pulled her to me. I grabbed her hand, and we ran to somewhere private. We ran to a hallway that no one goes to. I then pulled Christen in. Christen's body was pressed against mine, pinning me to the wall. I held her wrist, having it being placed on my waist. My other hand was on her neck. Our heads were pressed together and not to mention I felt butterflies in my stomach. Her warm hand made small shapes on my cheek. I knew that this precious time couldn't wait, so I changed our positions, so she was pressed against the wall. I started at her neck, giving kisses up and down. I firmly had my hands on her waist, while her hands dangled on my shoulders. I heard her give multiple moans, making me more turned on. I slowly put my hands under her shirt, and wrapped around her body. I wasn't going to undress her, but I felt the urge to. 

She gripped my shirt, and when got lower with my kisses, she gave a louder moan. 

"Shhh baby, we don't want to get caught," I teased. 

"Then stop urging me to." 

"You want me to stop?" 

"No! I promise I won't make a noise," she squealed. 

"All right, but I'm going to make it hell," and I didn't waist any time because I went to her neck, sucking on her pulse. I felt the vibration on her throat, as she tired to hold in the noise. 

I slowly put my right hand on the edge of her pants, and found my finger through. I touched her laced underpants, and she gasped. 

"Tobin please, I won't be able..." I didn't let her finish, cause I put my fingers under her pants, and found the spot. 

Her head went back, and her hand grabbed my shirt even more. Damn I loved this. I suddenly heard noise, and I quickly took my hand out, and fixed my shirt while Christen did the same. The noise was getting closer, and Christen and I didn't want to get caught, so we booked it. 

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