Chapter 2

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Picture is Dwayne


"Hey Deckland," I heard the deep voice say. I turned around to meet Dwayne, but when I looked him in the eyes, I wasn't hypnotized. I was more interested than anything. They showed lust more than anything though. "So what are you doing?" he asked in a seductive voice while wrapping his slightly muscular arms around my waist. I just giggled and hid my face in the palm of my hands. "Aww, someone is shy," I giggled again, but it was more of a excited giggle, not a funny one. He started kissing my neck, causing me to moan and tilt my head further back.

"Good boy Deckland, you seem to like it this time," I nodded and smiled. "Well, you wanna have fun?" I nodded quickly as my heart beat a thousand times faster. I felt him rub against my crotch, which instantly sent shock to my body. All I could do was moan and close my eyes. "You know, you're sexy when you're turned on," I bit my lip in a seductive way and smiled.

"Don't tease me Dwayne, you know I'm new to this," he just smirked and lowered his hands to my butt. I gasped as he slapped it, "Dwayne, why are you so mean to me?" I whined and smiled. He gave me a soft laugh and kissed me.

I shot up from the mattress and felt tingly all over. I looked around and noticed it was the cell I was put into to. I remember being pushed into the office, but after that is a blank. "Deckland?" I heard someone call. My door opened and revealed the strange man who had the black eyes. Jeremy I think his name was.

"Come, Master Dwayne has a surprise for you," I stood up and walked out of the cell. My hands were numb from sleeping in hand cuffs. "Can you please make my hands in front of me?"

he stayed silent and ignored my question. I sighed and walked forward till I saw a familiar face standing at the end of the hallway. "Good afternoon master, here is Deckland Farris, as you asked," I continued to look down and not face him. "You may leave Jeremy," I heard his footsteps behind me and

I felt a familiar soft hand lift up my chin. "It's ok Deckland, I'm not going to hypnotize you," I raised my eyebrow. "Oh that's right, amnesia is common unless you don't want it to be. But of course, forgetful me," I examined his eyes, they looked so pretty.

"What do you mean?" I asked, finally gaining the courage to speak. "Never mind, I'll explain later, but for now. I want to give you the tour," I nodded and followed him down the hallow hallway.

The last thing I wanted to do was be killed for not listening. We finally came to a hallway filled with prison cell bars that were rusted and bent. "This is my collection," I looked around, but all the cells were so dark I couldn't see anything. It was almost like a haunted house.

I was waiting for something to pop out. "Girls," he called and all of sudden there was girl's pale and skinny arms being reached out towards me. I honestly almost peed myself.

"What are these things?" I asked in a rude voice. "They are all sirens, like me" I looked at him. "Sirens? I thought sirens were all females and lured sailors into crashing their ships into the rocky shore," he nodded. I took a Greek mythology class, don't judge me. "That is partially true," we continued to walk down the hallway, with more women looking even scarier than the last. "You see, my ancestors,

their populations were very weak. If we didn't repopulate soon, our kind would have been extinct. So my ancestors devised a plan. You see, the reason you humans thought sirens were women was because the women would lure in men. Men who had wives, but no children,

" I nodded, wanting to hear more. "So eventually the men would be washed out to see with their ship and die, or disappear. Either way was fine with our kind, but anyways, so our men would go out and seek the widows of the sailors. The women would be so heart

broken and sad that they couldn't resist us. The more broken you are, the easier it is to control. So there are very few pure blood races now a days," I raised an eyebrow. "I have some questions now," he nodded.

"So why didn't you guys repopulate with your own species?" I asked as if it was the simplest solution ever. "Because, sirens are not like humans. We may treat you humans like trash, but with our kind, we mate for life.

Even if our mate is gone forever, it's hard to love another. And we cannot just have sex with whom ever we please, we a respectful and intelligent race," I looked over at the cells remembering he said they were like him. "Then why are these sirens here?" he sighed. "They aren't... well...," he gave a sigh, "It's hard to explain," I just looked at him, while he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"There is a new disease that has recently been discovered," he said with another sigh. "It does something to our brains, it takes over us and we can't control anything. Our bodies, our thoughts, our powers.

It is a slow processes though, it takes about a week until you're fully taken over," "Well isn't that a good thing? I mean at least you have a week," he sighed and looked forward and stopped. I stopped and looked up at him, "Answer this for me. Would you rather die slowly or quickly?" I thought about it for a second, "Of course quickly," he nodded. "Now why would you want die faster?" "Because I wouldn't be able to feel the pain," he nodded. "Exactly, this disease is killing all of these women slowly," I looked down, now realizing why he asked me those questions.

"But why are they all women?" he shrugged. "I don't have a single clue, that's what we're trying to find out," I nodded. "Wait, so how can you prove to me that you're a siren?" he gave a dry laugh. "Look at my eyes," "That doesn't prove anything, they could be contacts," he looked at me with this cold stare. He held out his hand and cuffed it.

A light blue light appeared in his hand. The light started singing a very beautiful song, the voice was captivating. I just starred at it and I couldn't help be drawn towards it.

He closed his hand and the singing stopped. I blinked and snapped myself out of it. "Believe me now?" I looked at him. "Is that what a siren's call is?" he nodded. "You're not as dumb as I thought," I rolled my eyes. He quickly pulls my face towards him, so I was looking him in the eyes, "I would watch that attitude," I was captive to the pinks dots that floated around his eyes like little balls of light. He smirked and let me go, cause me to drop my head away from his eyes. "Stop mind controlling me," I said quietly, not wanting him to necessarily hear that. "It's not mind control Deckland," I looked to the side, trying to avoid eye contact. "Sirens can't control minds, we just manipulate emotions that are already there," I just stood there silent. "We feed off of people hormones and emotions. That's how we survive, that's our food source," he lifted my chin up, but I quickly shut my eyes. "I'm not going to do anything, we can control ourselves," I slowly opened my eyes and saw his beautiful eyes. "See?" I nodded.

"Now that's it for the tour," I felt my chest tighten. "Wait!" I accidently shouted at him, he quickly looked at me. "Why am I here?" his face softened and he gave a deep laugh. "You'll find out," I quickly regretted ever saying anything.

Hey peeps

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