Chapter 14

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"Yes my lord, we saw him following the son of Edwards," I opened my eyes and coughed cause my throat was dry. "You," I heard a thundering voice say. I opened my eyes and saw a muscular man in toga (Sp?). "Why were you following the son of Edwards?" I sat up and rubbed my head. "Answer me!" he yelled. I groaned, "I'm his pet," I told him, not completely sure if Dwayne wanted to come out about being mates. I felt the hand print burn at the back of my neck. I winced and held it tightly, trying to make it stop. "I-Is that?" they looked at my neck with terror. "Your his mate?!" one of the girls shouted. I stayed silent, then heard a voice. "Deckland, where are you?" I looked around, then realized it was Dwayne's. "I don't know, some place where this guy is wearing a toga," I was grabbed by my hair which made me yelp in pain.

"You're a vampire are you?" he slammed me down, sending pain through my whole body. I was lifted up and put into a chair with ropes around my wrists, ankles, and chest. "I'll show him this is not his mate," he mumbled under his breath. I felt fear engulf me, "Dwayne, please help me," I whispered under my breath. I heard the doors slam open and showed a wet Dwayne with only his pants on. I blushed but continued to look at him. "He's been marked, you can't hurt him!" he said while marching towards me. Some body guards I guess, stopped him. "We're not hurting him, we're just showing you the consequences of mating with a vampire," I widened my eyes. He aggressively grabbed my face and forced me to look at him. "He's only been I vampire for two days though!" he smirked. "Even better," he said and took a knife out from his knife holder around his ankle.

I whimpered and tried to look away, but he looked me in the eyes. He didn't hypnotize me, I didn't go limp like all the other times. I was just stuck, "Here we go," he cut his arm above me and released my face. I smelled his blood and felt my body freeze. It dripped on my face, causing my fangs to instantly come out and me trying to bite his arm. I couldn't control what I was doing, I wanted his blood so bad. "See?" Dwayne just stood there, uninterested. "I know he can't control his instincts. But we can't either, we would all go crazy if we had I chance to feed too," he did have a point. Every siren I've met has always tried to feed off of me the first time they see me.

"Fine," he untied me and I instantly ran into Dwayne's arms. He embraced me and rubbed my back. "But now, if he is unfaithful, he must die," I widened my eyes. "And if any siren tries to make him unfaithful will die," he snapped back. I was glad of that because these sirens are sneaky bitches. "Do what you want, for now," every time someone says 'for now' they plan on killing that person. I don't want to be killed! We walked out of the palace like place and saw we were under water. "We built this under water, as a place for us to live peacefully," there seemed to be a glass dome around the whole thing. He faced me and smiled, he pecked my lips. "I know this is rushing things a lot, but I want you to know I love you," I blushed and looked down at his hand holding mine. "I know you're not sure right now, that's fine," he smiled. I smiled back and kissed him. He kissed back and pulled me closer and placed his hands on my hips. I wrapped my arms around his neck and deepened the kiss.

He licked my lower lip, but I denied him. He bit my lip and pulled it out. I giggled stuck my tongue out. He let go of my lip and bit my tongue softly. "Ow, wet gwo," I said as he still held my tongue. He let go and kissed my cheek. I smiled as he placed his forehead against mine. "I really do love your eyes," I said as he looked me in mine. "I love your eyes, because they remind me of honey. Sweet, but a pain in the ass to get," I giggled. "That's me for ya," he chuckled and smiled.

We swam back to the cove and sat there cuddling underneath the moon light. Sounds cheesy, but it's true! "I love your hair, it reminds me of seaweed," I scrunched my nose up in disgust. "Ew, seaweed is gross. Maybe I do need to dye it," He chuckled and played with my hair. "I think you look fine," I blushed and drew shapes on his chest. "So why was that guy wearing a toga anyways?" I asked. "We are very traditional," I closed my eyes and felt Dwayne wrap his left arm around my waist and his right arm around my back. I hugged his torso and fell asleep like that.

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