Chapter 22

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"Ok, now you see this blood," Rachel held up a glass jar of red liquid and smirked at me. I nodded, getting bored of sitting here. It was dusk, and I'm sure Dwayne will be worried when he gets home and finds out I'm not there. "Drink it," I raised my eyebrow as she handed me the cool, glass. "What is it?" I asked, swishing it around. It had the texture of syrup, "It's siren blood," I widened my eyes. "If you've drank from your siren, you should know what it does to you," I nodded. It couldn't be that bad, I mean, I've had it before. "But," she added holding up a bottle that was clear and had the lettering of the word Vodka on the bottle.

She poured it in my drink until it reached the rim of the glass. "Now drink up," I gulped. Peer pressure like a mother fucker. I sighed and put the glass to my lips. I poured the thick liquid down my throat, but it tasted different from Dwayne's. It must've been the alcohol. I sucked it half way then pulled it back from my lips. I felt some blood sit on my lips and drip down. I licked it off and felt my head get lighter. "You feel that?" I gave a giggle and felt like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. "Holy shit, what the hell was that?" I asked as I started to giggle uncontrollably. "This is like drugs to vampires, you get drunk and high at the same time," I couldn't see very well and it felt like everything was spinning.

I heard my phone go off in my back pocket. I pulled it out and saw it was Dwayne. I flipped it open and pressed the talk button. "H-Hello?" I slurred out. "Deckland where are you?" I giggled. "I'm out with-" -I hiccupped in the middle of my sentence- "friends, d-don't worry about it," I heard him sigh. "You're drunk," I shook my head and giggled. "Nope, I'm just really really happy right now," I lied. "Deckland don't make me have to do this," I instantly stopped and raised my eyebrow. "Do what?" he sighed then I felt a burning sensation on the back of my neck. I winced and dropped the phone on the grass. I held onto my neck, trying to make the pain go away. The sensation grew stronger making me scream and fall to the ground. "Deckland?!" I heard Rachel and her friends crowd around me.

The burning stopped and my muscles relaxed. I laid there on the ground panting. "What the hell was that?" Rachel asked. I sat up slowly and rubbed my neck. "Dwayne," she looked at me with terror. "Shit, we have to go," they all started running away as fast of possible. I groaned and curled up into a ball. I felt my eyes get heavy and my body lay there limp. I closed my eyes and went off in the darkness.

I yawned and opened my eyes, feeling a headache coming. I held my head and groaned. I heard footsteps coming from the doorway. "Deckland?" I recognized the voice, but didn't respond. "How could you be so stupid?!" he practically yelled at me. I winced as it bounced off of the walls and hit me in the head. "Ow," I groaned and closed my eyes. He handed me a pill and some water. "It'll help with your headache," I popped the small pill in my mouth and took a gulp of water. "Drinking siren blood and alcohol?" he asked, but I knew it wasn't a question really. "I'm sorry," I said in a quiet voice. He sighed and sat beside me. "Why would you do something so stupid?" I shrugged and opened my eyes slightly.

"I'm sorry Dwayne," I wanted to hug him, but I was too tired to even move. "I can't believe you're missing your second day of school because of this," I looked at him and saw he was looking at me. He brushed some stands of hair out of my face, exposing my eyes even more. I closed my eyes and felt him lay down next to me. "I love you," I whispered. "I love you too," he kissed my temple and pulled me closer to him. I fell asleep once again, but this time in his arms.

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