Chapter 25

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*Dwayne's POV* ______________________

I sat in my office sighing as my heart felt like it was torn in half. What if he likes living on his own? I just... I mean I told him that we sirens mark our mate for life, so why does he have doubts? Every scenario was running through my head, driving me insane. I love Deckland, and he says he loves me. It must be some human custom to have doubts to this kind of stuff. I heard the phone ring loudly and echo in the hallow room. I picked it up and held it to my ear, "Hello?" I said into the other end of the phone. "Hey Dwayne, it's George," a thick Irish accent greeted. "Hey, so is it a go?" I was really hoping for a no. "We can't, I'm so sorry little cousin, but someone already rented it out," on the inside I was screaming and jumping for joy. "Oh, ok... well thanks anyways George," I hung up the phone and smiled brightly.

I heard three soft knocks, "Who is it?" I asked, instantly returning my serious face. "The Easter bunny," I heard Deckland's sarcastic voice say through the door. "Come in," he opened the door then shut it behind him. "Hey, I was thinking, maybe we could go on our first date?" I raised an eyebrow. "First date?" he nodded. "What about the trip to the mall?" he crossed his arms. "We weren't even dating then," "Well what about the trip under water?" "Yea, me being kidnapped, funnest date I've ever been on," I rolled my eyes. "Fine, you got me," I said smiling as he walked over and sat on my desk. "That's not made for sitting," I pointed out. "Well my butt is," I rolled my eyes and smiled at him. He gave a small smile back.

"I was thinking was could take a walk through the park," I looked out my window and saw snow covering the ground. "But it's snowing," he shrugged. "I'll be fine and so will you," I sighed as he gave me his serious face all the time we were talking. "What's wrong?" I said sitting up. "What? Nothing," he said quickly. "Is it because of when I yelled at you?" he looked away. I sighed and lifted up my sleeve, showing a bite mark. "What is that?" he asked. "It's a bite from one of the infected sirens, like I said though, I wont be infected but we've notice mood swings are common in infected men," he raised his eyebrow in confusion. "I'll have mood swings for a while, that's all," he nodded and swung his legs back and forth.

I stood up and lifted his chin up. I looked into his honey golden eyes and smiled. He looked into my eyes, obviously starring at them again. I leaned down and placed my lips on his. I closed my eyes as he began to kiss back. I picked him up, causing him to wrap his legs around my waist. I smiled and kissed him more passionately. He wrapped his arms around my neck and deepened the kiss. I pulled away for breath, as well as he did. I panted slightly and smiled at the blushing boy I was holding. "That was different from all of our other kisses," I said. He nodded, "It's because he didn't have lust controlling us or anything, it was all passion," he said. "That sounds very cliché but ok," he giggled and bit his lip.

"Oh, and they couldn't send you to Ireland I'm sorry," he shrugged. "As long as we do something different every once in a while and your mood swings stay calm, I'll stay," I smiled and kissed his cheek.

I held Deckland's hand as we walked in the park at night. It was peaceful and he seemed to enjoy it too. "I have a game we can play," he said. I nodded, signaling him to continue. "Not twenty questions, but just, you know, ask each other about ourselves," I nodded. "Ok, you go first," he thought about it for a moment then looked back into my eyes. "What's your favorite color?" I licked me lips, "Turquoise," he nodded. "What's yours?" I asked. "Velvet red," "What's your favorite song?" he asked. "That's a hard one, um, probably Trick or Treat by Ghost Town," "Oh really?" I said raising my eyebrows. "Yep, what about yours?" "Um, Hypnotize by Simon Curtis," he giggled and rolled his eyes. "That's not surprising," I smiled and saw a yawn from the corner of my eye.

"You wanna go back?" he nodded and leaned against my side. I smiled and wrapped my arm around him. "Hey Deckland?" he looked up at me. "I have something to tell you,"

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