Chapter 4

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I closed my eyes and panted rapidly as I was left there to catch my breath. Dwayne pretty much had sex with me, and then left literally right after. My whole body is sore and I'm scared to move. It disgusts me how he knew I was a virgin, yet he still did it. I didn't resist, but that's cause he put me under his siren's spell.

I finally caught my breath and looked at the time. It was 3:42 PM and I already wanted to just fall asleep. I heard the door creak open and reveal a strange woman with thin brown hair that was up in a bun, but was scattered all over her face and was sticking up. "Hello Deckland, master Dwayne wanted me to show you the bathing room," I looked at her with pleading eyes. I didn't want to move at all, I didn't want to risk any pain. "Oh dear," she said under her breath. She didn't look that old, just under thirty. "My poor boy, come on. The bath will help," she ran over to me and was studying me, trying to figure out a way to help.

I shook my head and gave a weak smile, "I can get up," I said in a scratchy voice. My voice was sore from screaming and yelling. She stood back but close enough just in case I fell. I tried to sit up, but a strong pain came from my waist and down. I yelped and bit my lip from screaming. I tried not to cry and carefully swung my legs over the side of the bed. I winced and bit my lip harder. She placed a hand on my back and rubbed it while I tried to stand up. I stood up and instantly fell to me knees, making me scream in pain.

"Oh you poor thing," she helped me up, while putting my arm around her shoulders. She was taller than me, so it did help a little. "Come on dear," she led me down the hall. (Oh and if you were wondering, yes I am in my underwear) There was a really vintage looking door that she opened and revealed a wide stair well, that led to huge double doors. "I'm sorry," she said and helped me try to walk down the stairs. Every time my weight was being pushed down I yelped at the pain. "Just a few more honey," we were almost to the doors that were a light brown with very small details carved into the door. She twisted the iron knob and pushed it open revealing a gorgeous bath (A/N: the picture up there on the side ->). It had many spouts that hung form the ceiling and stained glass mostly surrounded it. There were bubbles and it was empty.

"This is absolutely beautiful," I said admiring the colorful stained glass. "This mansion originally belonged to Master Dwayne's great great great grandfather, King Ronald Edwards. That's why it's so close to the sea. This was one of the first mansions that a siren ever built. Mostly everything in the mansion has been remodeled though. It was a shame, but they left this alone," she gave a warm smile. "This was the king's favorite place to be. He would sit in here for hours just looking at the moon shine over the ocean," I smiled and looked out the windows and saw the waves crash on the shore.

"I was actually very surprised when master Dwayne requested that you bathe here. This is a very sacred room," I blushed slightly. why would he send me here? I'm nothing special. "But anyways, this is on the twenty first floor, so it's pretty much one of the highest floors," I widened my eyes. How many floors are there?! "Well, I'm sure master Dwayne is in a need of my services," she turned around and started walking with her heels clacking.

"Wait," I said, looking at her as she turned around. "You said that the king would sit in here for hours," she nodded. "Well that means you were there?" she gave a sweet laugh. "Of course dear, I may not look like it, but I'm very old," I widened my eyes. "What are you then?" she looked at me like a just called her a whore. "Not to be rude," I inputted. She looked at me with stern eyes, "I'm a vampire," and with that she walked out and slammed the door shut, causing a loud echo.

I finally looked at the water and smiled. I could use a good bath, relax my muscles a bit. I stood near the stairs the lead to the water. I slid off my boxers and threw them on the ground. I stepped in instantly feeling the warm, soothing water relax my muscles. I got it until the water was up to my shoulders. That's how deep it was, but it was like a swimming pool. It had a really shallow area, then it got deeper.

I sat down and let my body soak in the relaxing water. I started playing with the bubbles and blowing them off my hands. I looked over at the window and smiled at the view. It was so beautiful, but I bet it was even better at night. I felt chills run up my body making me shiver. Anytime I feel warm and fuzzy I get chills for an unknown reason.

"The water to cold?" I heard a familiar deep voice ask. I looked at the door and saw Dwayne standing there with just a robe on. I shook my head, "N-No, it's fine," I said watching him walk around to my side. He took off his robe as he got to the steps, but he had nothing on. I instantly blushed and looked down at the bubbles. He finally got in to where I couldn't see anything below his waist and sat across from me on the other side.

I looked down starting to play with the bubbles again. "I bet you're wondering a lot of things right now," he said while looking at the stained glass with a woman with a tail. "Yea, I guess," I said, still feeling awkward. "Well ask away," he's not like most people. Most people who kidnap and rape people usually don't like questions, but he seems to just not care.

"Well, how old are you," he looked at me. He seems a lot more calmer than when I last saw him. "Seventeen," he answered. "So do sirens live forever like vampires?" he gave a soft laugh and shook his head. "No, a siren's life span is usually up until they're two thousand years old," I widened my eyes. "So can you change people into sirens?" he shook his head again. "We produce sexually, but can't just spread our DNA like vampires," I nodded and thought about another subject. "Why am I allowed in here?" he raised an eyebrow. "Well, because that lady that sent me in here said you usually don't allow people in here," he shrugged. "Well I did mess you up pretty badly so a little luxury can be handed out as an apology," I smiled and looked down, hoping to hide it.

"So, is this my last time in here?" he shrugged again. "I'm not sure, you are different from the others," I looked at him and instantly looked back down blushing. "Most of them usually resist and fight as hard as they can," almost in a instant, he was right by my side and turned my head so I was facing him. "You seem to give up so easily and just accept things as they are," I wanted to look away, but I wasn't sure what he'd do. "I like that, but yet I don't," he let go of my face and let his hand sink in the water again. "I like that you obey me, but when someone else says something, I predict you'd obey them as well," I shrugged.

"You remind me of a lost duckling," I looked down at the water and played with my thumbs, "You follow anyone you can just to fit in," I looked up at him and felt anger build up. "If a man in a white van came up to you and offered candy, you would take it," I clenched my teeth. "Only weak and stupid people do that," I finally had enough. "Look here mister! I'm not follower! Yes, I do do what you say because I'm smart and I know if I disobeyed you, you'd probably kill me! And you know you would! So why don't you just shut up and stop assuming things because you know nothing about me!" I snapped, feeling a loss of breath from yelling.

His eyes were wide and his face was in shock. "Wow," was all he said. "You actually do have some balls," I blushed and looked down. "Well of course metaphorically because I saw them earlier," he scooted closer to me, causing me to tense up and freeze. He set his head on my shoulder and licked my neck. "Get clean dirty boy. I'll be in the living room waiting for you," he got out and but his robe back on. He left the room, and leaving me there speechless. What just happened?!

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