Chapter 23

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I shifted and curled up against someone's chest. I breathed in their scent and smiled. "Dwayne," I whispered to myself. I yawned and hoped I could cuddle with him a while longer, but he woke up and moved. "Hey," he said sitting up and yawning. He arched his back and held his hands above his head. I pouted slightly and hid the lower half of my face in the covers. "You ok?" I nodded and looked at him. He laid on his side and looked at me for a while. I blushed and smiled at him. "You're so adorable," I rolled my eyes. "You hungry?" I shook my head and yawned.

"You're not going back to sleep," I stuck my tongue out. "Come on, get up," he said uncovering me. "Why?" I asked in a annoyed voice. "Because you have school today, but you have a curfew now," I shrugged. "Ok," I honestly didn't mind. Now I have an excuse of why I can't hang out with those people again.

I yawned and walked into the building. Everyone in my path moved out of the way. I hate that they give me so much attention. I mean honestly, sirens are a bunch of douche bags anyways. I felt someone grab the bend of my arm, "Hey Deckland," Rachel said in a cheerful voice. I rolled my eyes and glared while not looking at her. "I'm sorry, ok? It was just having a little fun. If your whore wouldn't have called you-" I looked at her with furious eyes. "He isn't a whore," I growled. She didn't look at terrified as I wanted her to be, but she looked someone scared. "I thought you were cool," she said letting my arm go and glaring at me. "I've never been cool," I replied as I came up to my locker I was assigned the day before.

"Well I thought you would not be such an ass at least," I grabbed my books and slammed the locker loudly. "Well then stop talking to me!" I shouted. She rolled her eyes and walked away. I didn't want friends who wanted to get wasted all the time. I yawned and whined in annoyance. Why did I have to come to school? I felt my eye lids almost droop as I walked. I walked into Ancient literature and sat in the first seat I could find. I put my stuff beside me and laid my head down on the desk. Letting my hair cover my eyes.

"Are you serious?!" I winced at Dwayne's harsh tone. "I'm sorry!" he sighed. "Getting detention for sleeping in class? You know how stupid this makes me look?" I raised an eyebrow at him. "Sorry for not being perfect," I said with attitude dripping in my voice as I spoke. "I didn't say you had to be perfect. I just wish you would do something right for a change!" he quickly widened his eyes and covered his mouth. "I-I didn't mean it, like that," I felt tears begin to form, but I wouldn't let them escape. "Fine, what ever!" I yelled with my voice becoming shaky and scratchy. I got up from the bed and stormed out of the room. "Deckland," I heard Dwayne whisper. I covered my face with my hands as I walked down the hallway.

I made it to my room and fell face first into the pillow. I let the tear drip onto the pillow as my sobs came out. I coughed, choking on my own air. I sniffled and tilted my head to the side so I was facing the wall. I felt a small tear go down the corner of my eye. "Why can't I do anything right?" I asked myself while curling my body into a ball.


Awe poor Deckland :'(

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