Chapter 18

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Picture is Sky _________________ "Dwayne!" I moaned and clawed his back. He smirked and continued to grind my hips. I whined in pleasure and closed my eyes tightly. I yanked on his hair, making his head go back and his Adam's apple pop out of his neck. I kissed his neck gently and heard soft moans come out of his mouth. He pulled me back against the bed, causing me to bounce slightly. "I like this side of you, but I'm really horny," I blushed and traveled my hands down his muscular body. I slipped my hands into his boxers and grabbed his ass. He smirked and bit the shell of my ear, "Deckland," he whispered. I moaned as he kissed my sweet spot.

"Deckland," I shot up and looked around the room. I saw Dwayne standing there with a confused face. "W-What?" I asked. He laughed, "You were moaning in your sleep," I blushed a deep shade of red and hid under the covers. "Having a wet dream are we?" I whined as he continued to laugh. "It's not funny," I mumbled and felt my face heat up with embarrassment. He pulled back the covers and smiled at me. "I was kidding," I smiled and yawned. "Having imaginary sex must've worn you out," I glared at him. "That's it," he chuckled and started sprinting towards the door. I flipped the blanket off me and used my vampire speed to catch up with him. I jumped on his back and wrapped my arms around his neck. "You're mine!" he held onto the bend in my knees and smiled. I giggled and leaned my head on his shoulder.

"It's lunch time Dwayne!" he looked at me. "So?" I faked gasped. "I'm a growing boy, I need food!" he rolled his eyes. "I don't want just plain blood this time though," he nodded. "Ok, how about we pack a lunch and eat it out on the beach?" I thought about it. "Like a beach date?" he smiled and nodded. I returned the smile, "Ok, sounds fine to me," he set me down and stood higher than me. "No! I wanna be taller than you again," he ruffled my hair and chuckled. "Sorry shorty," I stuck my tongue out at him. He poked my stomach, "You need to work out," I gasped at his rudeness. "Are you calling me fat?!" I squealed at him. He rolled his eyes, "No, but you aren't exactly in shape either," I walked away from him with my head down.

"Deckland," he called me, but I ignored him. He ran up to my side and looked down at me. "I'm not saying this to be rude or hurtful," I shrugged and kept looking at my feet. He grabbed my shoulders and turned me around so I was facing him. "You're beautiful Deckland, you really are. I'm sorry that I offended you," I sighed and looked him in the eyes. "Well if you thought that, you wouldn't point out my insecurities," he brought me into a hug and smiled at me. I hugged back and leaned my head against his chest, "But all those little things add up to you, and I love you," I rolled my eyes and giggled. "That's just a One Direction song," he chuckled and kissed my cheek.

"Well now that you implied that I'm fat, I don't want to eat," he just smiled at me. "I know what we could do!" he looked at me in confusion. "We should go get me a pet, since you're going to work in a few months," I knew he wasn't going to tell me, but I over heard him on the phone. He is going to start working soon, and it's supposed to be for long hours. He sighed, "I don't really like animals, it's bad enough Caitlyn and Craig come into my house," I wrapped my arms around his neck and put my innocent face on. "Pweeeaaase?" he shook his head. "Please Dwayne!" he shook his head again. I lowered my hands to his torso, "Please?" he smirked. "No," I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him as close as I possibly could. "Come on Dwayne, please?" he sighed in defeat.

"Fine, we'll go to the animal shelter," I squealed and kissed him passionately. He kissed back and put his hands on my hips. I pulled back and smiled brightly. He rolled his eyes, but smiled anyways. "Can we go now?" I asked, not patient enough to wait. "Can I get something to eat first?" I nodded then realized what he meant. "Wait, I wanna go before it gets too late," he sighed and walked down stairs. "Fine, get dressed,"

I was literally bouncing in the car in excitement. "I promise you can feed off of me when we get home," he smiled and grabbed my hand. I intertwined our fingers and smiled. "So what do you want?" I shrugged and watched the sun almost reach the horizon. "I know I want a dog, but I'm not sure what kind," we arrived at the shelter and parked in the small parking lot. We walked inside the animal shelter, it smelt like dog and you could hear them barking. It echoed off the walls and bounced around the room, making me wince. "How can I help you?" I woman at a desk asked. "We came here to look at the dogs that were up for adoption," Dwayne explained. She nodded, "Well you boys can head back there and when you find someone, just tell someone and we'll get all this paper work and stuff filled out," I nodded and walked through the metal door.

I saw all kinds of dogs in cages. It broke my heart to see such innocent dogs be locked up and some of them might be killed. "You want a small one?" I shrugged. "Nothing too big," he nodded and I could tell he was annoyed by all the barking. I giggled and tried to hide it from him. "Man, this one is cute too," I looked over at the two guys picking up a small white ball. "I know, I hate seeing them all die," I widened my eyes and ran up to them. "Is this one up for adoption?" I asked them, they looked at me and nodded. "Today is his last day though, poor little guy," I looked at his innocent face and instantly fell in love. "I'll take him," I felt Dwayne come up behind me. "You here that Sky?" he barked and wagged his tail excitedly. I smiled as they hand him to me, he licked my face making me smile even more.

"He knows a trick or two too," I raised in eyebrow in interest. "He hugs you, he dances, and he loves to cuddle," I looked at him as he panted. "Hugs Sky," he instantly set his tiny head on my shoulder. I fell more in love, "If you set him on the ground, hold a treat above him, and tell him to dance pretty he will," I widened my eyes. He got a treat from his pouch and held it above the small dog, "Dance pretty," he got on his hind legs and started jumping and turning around. "I defiantly want him now," I picked him up and hugged him close to my chest. "Ok, you can bring him to the front desk and then he's all yours," I looked at Dwayne and saw he was smiling.

"I like him a lot more than most dogs," I smiled and stroked his fur as he was curled in a ball in my lap. "Thank you Dwayne," he smiled and stopped at a red light. He pecked my lips, "Of course," I frown slightly and hung my head low. "What's wrong?" I gave a weak smile and shrugged. "He reminds me of my old Maltese," he looked at me like he was trying to read my thoughts. "When I was twelve, he got into my neighbor's yard and their pitbull ripped his throat out," he widened his eyes and held my hand tightly. "I'm sorry," I shrugged and looked out the window. "The past is the past."

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