The Sweaty Job

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The things started to take turn since the date of 3 May 2015.This was the date when I first appeared for AIPMT. That was just a normal day for many but for me the DOOM'S day. That night I have slept 7 hours and followed all the examinations tips given by a dozen of people. Someone said listning music helps you to retain things, so I listened to till I reached the examination centre. It was located on the outskirts of the city and was about 30 minutes drive from the home.Reaching there the smile came to my face on seeing the all the best banner from Aakash institute. It was the coaching centre which gives coaching for AIPMT and Engineering. But the smile was soon overwhelmed by tension on seeing long que of aspirants waiting for entry into centre. "Son, have you taken all the required things" Dad enquired. Yes I have taken, the admit card,the pen, two photographs, the clipboard, the watch and water. I have everything I need. And then happened something unexpected. Nothing is allowed inside the centre. No watch, no clipboard nothing. After passing through the security process I occupied my alloted seat. Then I noticed there was no clock in the room. 'How the hell was I able to know the time?' I have planned the timming for every part of the question paper. One hour for physics, one for biology and one for chemistry. Yet the number of question in biology are double that of physics and chemistry, I alloted it equal time as there are no calculations. I felt my throat dried. "Where is the water tank?" I asked one of the two female invigilator standing on the door. "Go straight and then left." She replied. "Thankyou." I said. I carried my admit card with me as being afraid it may be blown off by fan if left on the desk. I went there, drank the water and came back. I placed the admit card on the desk and SHIT.
The photograph on admit card had been blotted by sweat. While drinking water I have held it in my underarm and the sweat did its job.

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