The Talk

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~~With the power of butterflies I skip to the next day~~

Travis POV

Today was the day I took Zane back to his house. The nurse had handed me his medication that he is too take along with tell me what I need to do to help Zane heal faster. 1. When he has to take a shower, and I must cover his cast in plastic wrap or a bag so it doesn't get wet. 2. I am to help him seat up and lay down for the next 2 days. After that he should be able to on his own. And last 3. Make sure he takes his medicine twice a day.

Once she was done with that Zane signed himself out and I helped him into my car. It was a quiet drive back to MyStreet. Zane was listening to the radio as I tried to think about how I was talk to him about our senior year at PDH. I sighed softly coming up with nothing.

I pulled into his drive way and got out to go help Zane out of the car. I won't lie it was hard not to blush when I held his hand and he was holding onto me as he got up.

I got us inside and sat him on the couch softly. "Th-Thanks Travis" said Zane as he looked away from me. I could see a small but faint on his check I just smiled and nodded. "It's no problem Zane. We're friends after all." That caught his attention and he looked at me weird. "You seriously believe we're friends even after what happened our senior year?"

Now I was shocked. Well that saved me from thinking of a way to talk about it. I kneeled down in front of him with a soft and genuine smile. "Yes I do. I know that year was rough but I'm willing to forget it and start over again." I held my hand out to him. "Hi I'm Travis Valkrum, and I would like to be friends with you."

Zane looked at me for a bit before he did something I thought he would never do. He slid down his mask with a small smile on his face and took my hand. He shook it and then said."And I'm Zane Ro'Meave, and I would like that Travis."

I know I had a big groofy grin on my face as I hugged him. Which I thought he would punch me or push me away but instead he hugged me back. This was a start of a new beginning for us. I was happy he excepted my request to be friends and start over.

I pulled back from Zane and sat down next to him. He had pulled his mask back up after the hug. I turned on the tv and went onto Netflix to watch My Little Horsie with Zane. I have to admit it's not a bad show. I really liked Apple Buck she was honest and kind.
We watched the show all day while eating the pizza I had ordered for us to share. It was getting close to nine o'clock which meant time for Zane's shower and medicine.

I look down at Zane who was leaning against me watching the show. He had somehow cuddled up to me without realizing it. I didn't mind at all it was nice and for some odd reason felt right. I mentally prepared myself before I asked him this question, trying to keep my blushing at bay. "Hey Zane ready to take a shower?"

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