The party pt. 1

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Travis POV

I woke up slowly looking down at the person in my arms. I shot up causing them to fall out of bed. "Travis what in the neither!!" They yelled at me. I couldn't help myself I smiled as I tackled them to the ground. Zane was normal again.

"My ZuZu has returned to me!!" I yelled as I hugged him more. He was confused till he looked at himself and reached for his long hair. It was all gone his chest, long hair, girlish figure, and his botty. (He can't lose what he always had.*does sassy hair flip*)

Zane looked really happy as did I. I moved to kiss his check but he moves his head to wear I kiss him on his lips. We kissed for a bit till we heard a camera click. We turn to see Zianna taking a picture of us.

"M-Mother what are you doing?" Zane asked her covering his face up as he blushed. "Oh ZuZu I'm just taking some pictures.~ I didn't have one of you and Travis kissing and being all lovey." She said smiling. "I'll leave you too be. I'll see you both tonight at Aphmau's house for her party!" She yelled as she left.

We sighed as we got up to get ready. Zane was done first and went to make us breakfast as I took a shower. Once I finished and got dressed I meet Zane down stairs to the smell of burning food. I quickly run to the kitchen as Zane is putting out a fire with the fire extinguisher. "Zane what happened?!" I asked him as the fire is gone now and I open a window.

"I-I was making toast and the toaster caught fire. I think it bit the big one and wanted to go out with a burning fire." He hissed at the toaster buried under the foam from the extinguisher. I couldn't help but laugh a little at that. That earned me getting sprayed with the foam as well. It was so cold. I looked at him smirking grabbing some on me and throwing it at him.

After an hour we finished cleaning the mess. We spent the first 30 minutes fighting/wresting 13 minutes cleaning ourselves and the last 17 the mess in the kitchen. We decided to go grab some food from IHOP instead.

I drove us there smiling as we jammed to some music. Then my favorite song came on. It was the song I listened to a lot when I was in high school. When i had a small crush on Zane after the kiss, but he was with someone. I think her name was Sasha. She was using Zane to get Dante's brother jealous. The song was "Treat you better by Shawn Mendez"

I start singing the song with as much passion as him as I grab Zane's hand softly. I could feel him watching me as he held my hand as well. And when re chorus would come up I would look at him smiling. He was blushing softly as I look back towards the road.

The song ends once we pull up. I look at Zane and he looks at me. "Y-You really like that song don't you?" I nodded as I held his hand more. "This song reminded me of you. You deserved someone better than Sasha. Back then I had feelings for you, but I don't know it was love till later. When I saw you with her and how she treated you I wanted to take you away and treat you right. This song is what gave me the courage to tell someone what I knew so I could help you." I said looking at him.

"Y-Your the reason Garroth told me she was using me?!" He said surprised as I nodded blushing a bit. "Y-Yeah. I told Aphmau and she told your bother. I-I would have done it myself but after the whole kiss thing you wouldn't let me near you but I had to help you in someway." I said looking away a bit. He makes me look at him kissing me softly. I kiss him back a bit and he smiles. "Thank you Travis."

I smile nodding. After our small moment we get out and get us some food.

Zane POV

We got us a table and order us some food. My heart was still racing after the story Travis told me. It made me happy, even though I was so mean to him at school. He still stuck his neck out for me to make me happy. I was really lucky to have him in my life. He really is my gentleman.

We talked for a bit about what we were going to do next year, or what we thought Aphmau was going to plan tonight. Soon our food arrived and we ate. Once we finished we spilt the bill. We argued over who should pay then we compromised and split it. After we payed our bill we left. I drove us back home as Travis got in the passenger seat.

We arrived home after a bit and saw it was 3 in the afternoon. That means we have four hours till the party. So we decided to just watch movies till then. We each got a text from Aphmau.

A- Everyone please bring a change of clothes to PJs! This way we can have a sleepover New Years Party! See you all at 7!! 😆😆😆😆

Travis sighs laughing softly looking at his phone. He payed me $10 bucks. We had made a bet for the events that are going to happen tonight. So far I'm in the lead now by 1 point. We got up to pack our bags real quick before we started our movie. This way we weren't rushed.

Once we were done we got on the couch and cuddled against each other. The movie was interesting, but it didn't distract my mind from what I thought Aphmau might do tonight. I just shook my head to get rid of the thoughts. There's no way she'll go to crazy right?

Later that night I found out... I was so wrong beyond belief. That night, caused a whole new chapter of life to begin for Travis and I.

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