The Doctors Office

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Travis POV

Today was the day Zane was getting his arm checked to see if the cast could be removed. Zane was moving fairly fast this morning. I think he was ready to take it off. Once he woke up this morning he kicked me out of bed to wake me up. I think it was about 9 when he did that.

After I helped him get out of bed I helped him change shirts and went to go fix coffee. By the time the pot was done he was dressed and ready to go. I had to make him seat down and eat some cereal. I had in my lap so he couldn't leave so he eat. We couldn't leave till he took his last pill.
He quickly ate his breakfast then took the pill and was at it again.

If I was in his shoes I'd be just excited as him. It has been three months since the accident and since we got together. I smiled at the last one. These past three months have been nice. I fully moved in with Zane last month. That did end with me being chased for 3 miles by Garroth till I lost him by jumping into a lake and swimming out fast. Being part of the swim team had perks. Garroth couldn't keep up with me and the water cooled him down.

He did later apologize for chasing me after he had a talk with Laurence. I think I heard something about to cuddle time or something like that. He did accept us as a couple. That made Zane happy since he was worried Garroth would not except me as his boyfriend.

Buts enough reminiscing for now. I grabbed my car keys and help Zane get in. Once in I get in on my side and take him to the doctors office.

Time skip to the X-ray results

Zane POV

Travis and I were waiting to see my X-rays. I was really excited to take this stupid thing off. I had made a date for Travis and I today without him knowing. I had it all planned for us later tonight. But I wish the stupid doctor would hurry. I mean in all that is Irene what is he doing?

Finally the door opened and the male Doctor came in. "Well good news your all healed now Zane. I just need to take you to the back room to remove the cast." I nodded and followed him Travis boy to far behind.

Travis held my free hand as we reached the room. The doctor came back with a small saw and cut open my cast. I squeezed my free hand to get some motion in it. Travis smiled as he kissed my check. I smiled softly as I clicked his nose softly. He just laughed at me as I turn towards the doctor.

"Well your all done now. But please Zane be more careful and if this happens again we are going to tell the police about the incident. I won't tell them for now because you asked me not to. But he's getting worse." I smiled softly nodding as he hands me his card. I look up at him confused."This is my personal number. Please call or text it if you get hurt. And I'll tell the hospital to get ready for you and call the cops."

Travis and I nodded at that as we put the number into our phones. This man has been the one doctor that helps get me better and not tell anybody who hurts me. I trust him, he's a kind man.

After we said out goodbyes we got back into Travis car but I was in the driver seat. "May I ask why you wanted to drive?" Asked Travis. "I wanted to drive and I want to go somewhere. It's a surprise for you Travis."

Travis made a small squeal as he hugged me. Luckily I wasn't driving yet. I hugged him back softly. Travis was the only person I was ok with hugging. And I liked it that way. After that I drove off to the place where I arranged our date.

This day is going to be perfect~

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