It has been done.

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Travis POV

Tonight was the night, and I was very nervous about it. Tonight Zane and I are going on a nice dinner date and when we get back... Will be pricking our fingers on the amulet during a loving moment. That's the plan anyway.

I sigh softly as I look at Zane who is baking some cupcakes in small celebration. He was also wearing a cute pink apron that I'm sure Aphmau got him. Watching him helps me relax a bit and makes me smile. I know we're ready for this I just want it to be a perfect night for us. I can't help it I'm a bit of a perfectionist when I really want something.

I got up to go see how the cupcakes were coming a long. They smelt really good as I got closer. I wrapped my arms around him smiling as he decorated them. He kisses my check as he stops. "They're almost ready Travis. But remember no eating them till we get back." Zane stated as I nodded.

Once he was done Zane went up to get ready since it was already 5 pm and our dinner plans was at 7 pm sharp. I went to go put on a nice outfit. It was the same one I wore at the double date thing I did last year. Except this one had a small bit of green along the trim of it. I did my hair and took a cherry mint. I usually only use them if I'm nervous or I was about to do a play. It was a way to help relax me.

After I got all finished up it was 6:25 and Zane was just about done with his hair. I leaned against the door frame watching him as I smiled. He wore the same outfit as me except his was a dark gray trim instead of green like mine. His hair was moved back some to expose his blind eye and he wasn't wearing his mask. Which showed off his cute little freckles as well.

When he was done we looked each other other blushing a bit. I grab his hand kissing his knuckles softly. "You look very cute and handsome tonight Zane." I said smiling as he blushed more. "Th-Thank you Travis. And you yourself are looking very more handsome tonight." He stuttered a bit but returned my smile.

I held his hand more as we closed and locked the door and went to our date. We arrived after about a 10 minute walk. I checked us in to our reservations at the restaurant. The female waitress smiled and walked us to a booth and took our drinks. I didn't pay much attention to how she looked since I had the most beautiful creature in front of me.

We talked and decided what we wanted as she brought our drinks back. We thanked her and she took our order. Once she got it she left and I went to go pick up my drink to see a phone number under my drink. I sigh and pick it up and rip it to shreds. "Can't that dumb waitress see I'm taking." I growled a bit as Zane held my hand with a small smile.

I relaxed at his touch and smiled back. Soon she came back and I looked her straight in the eyes. But before I coils say anything to her Zane pulled me into a deep kiss. I quickly melt into his kiss and return it.

When we break it up he looks at her with an evil smirk. "I dare you to try and take my man from me. If you even try to give him your number again or talk to him unless it pertains to your work. I'll have you fired from here and make your life a living hell. Understood." He said evilly looking at her with a serous expression. He had an almost darkness surrounding him making him look even more scary with his smirking. I felt a shiver run down my spine when he used that voice. She quickly nodded and ran away.

Once she was gone we broke out laughing smiling more. We kissed softly after a new waiter comes out and brings us our food. He even apologized to us about our previous waitress. This wasn't the first time she did this. He said our meal was on the house and we excepted.

After we ate we walked home together arms linked. We enjoyed looking up at the night sky as we walked along the quiet and abandoned street. The stars we're beautiful tonight as we looked at them. After a bit we walked up to the porch and unlocked the door to us in. Once inside Zane grabbed the cupcakes and placed them in front of us as I grabbed our amulet.

We feed each other cupcakes smiling. Zane cuddled up on my lap after a bit as I held the amulet in my hand in front of us both. We kissed each other softly as we placed one finger along the top part of it as it pricked us both. It absorbed our blood as it glowed a soft light. Zane smiled as he held it close to him.

I smiled as well nuzzling into the crook of his neck. "I can't wait to see our sweet baby when it comes out of there." I said softly. Zane nodded as he rubbed the top of it softly vein gentle with it.

"I agree. I can't wait to see them when it's time." Said Zane softly kissing me. We gently place the amulet between us as we laid there together.

This night had a little bump but right now it's all ok. Because after a few months. Zane and I will be parents!

Stay Away- ZanvisTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang