Last Day

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Still the same day

Zane POV

I woke up to see Travis missing from our shared bed. I slowly get off the bed and head to the bathroom. I look inside he's not there. I then search the room trying to see if I find a note or something. It's not like him to leave without a note or waking me up. I quick search the house as I held my phone in hand. He's nowhere in the house. I feel tears starting to prick at my eyes.

I pull out my phone and try calling his phone. I'm already crying as I hear someone pick it up. "Hey Zane everything ok?" I start crying even more. "Wh-Where are you. Y-You weren't here when I-I woke up a-and you didn't leave n-note." I said trying to stop crying.

"Oh my Irene babe please don't cry I'm so sorry. I thought I would be back sooner. Guy had come by to ask me a few questions about last night incident. I'm about to be there so please wait a few more seconds." I hear his footsteps through the phone become faster and him panting as he ran.

I'm in the living room and I see him sprint through the door. He stops and looks at me quickly moving to hug me close. I hold him close to me shaking softly. He pets my head softly whispering words of love and comfort to me.

I soon relax against as the tears stop. He kisses my head softly holding me closer. "I'm still so sorry Zane I honestly thought I'd be back sooner. After last night when you scared that lady for flirting with me. She ran to Guy and said you did things to her. He didn't believe it so he called me and a few others in for a few questions. I'm so so sorry. I didn't want to wake you up since you had a rough night with the drinking. I should have left a note I'm sorry." Said Travis as he held me closer.

I look up at him and kiss him deeply. He kisses me back instantly my arms are around his neck and his around me move a little lower. We continue our tender and loving make out session for a few minutes till we pull away. "I forgive this time Travis but you better not repeat this ever again." I say sternly.

"I promise and vow with all my being. If I ever disappear without a note again then I'm in serious trouble. For I will leave a note or wake you up to let you now I left my sweet Cupcake." Travis says as he looks at me his eyes filled with love and honesty.

I smile as I nuzzle into his neck holding onto him. "Thank you Travis. But might I ask why your calling me Cupcake?" I asked him. He just laughed softly kissing my check. "That's my secret.~" He purrs laughing softly.

I shake my head as I look at him. "I also saw you did all of our packing. When do we depart?" I ask Travis curiously. He pulls out a schedule form and we look it over. He points at departure times."Here we go we leave at 7 tonight. It's already 3 pm since you've slept all day." He laughs softly and I join him.

Let it be known I will never get drunk again. Last night to me was all just a blur to me, but from what Travis said I threatened a women who hit on him. Go drunk me on that part. I am curious what happened last night but for now I rather not know.

For the last three hours we had on this island we were going to go to the water slides. Then use the last hour to grab our things and board the ship. We were excited to head home today we missed our friends and home.

We soon arrived at the water park. It was kinda barren today which was good for us this way the lines are quicker. A few of the other quests on the island must be packing up. Luckily Travis already did it for us.

We went on all the big water slides together. I was in front and Travis behind me as he held me as we went down the slides. The rides even took pictures of us which made me smile as Travis bought one from each ride. The last one we went on was a Ferris wheel in the middle of the park. We soon got on it and looked over the island.

"I really liked this vacation Travis. I'm glad we got to come together." I said leaning against his shoulder. He wraps his arm around my shoulder. "I agree. The time we spent here was amazing. I hope we can do this again one day, but next time we come will have our own child to come too." Travis said with a bright smile. I nodded as I rubbed the amulet around my neck.

Once the ride stopped at the very top for us Travis looked at me. "I love you Zane." "I love you too Travis." We smiled and shared a sweet yet tender kiss. It wasn't long nor short it was enough to make me feel so warm inside. I love this feeling inside me. He's the only one capable of doing this to me.

I once wanted people to stay away from me, but now that I have Travis. I don't want to be alone again. He's my white light in my dark gray and black world, and I'm never going to let him go. So to those who wish for him or me. Stay away! We are happy and in love so leave us alone unless you wish to support us.

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