The Note Book

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Week 15

Travis POV

Finally I was able to calm Zane down. I look down at him as he's asleep and I stroke his hair softly. I smile gently kissing his forehead. He smiles a bit and relaxes more into my pillow. I pull back slowly and head down stairs.

I reach the kitchen and grab my hidden note book titled. "Things Zane Needs to Stay Away From".

1. Katelyn. Last time we saw Katelyn was at Aphmau's two weeks ago. Katelyn and I started talking and I laughed at a joke she said and Zane saw that. He got really pissed and at the same time sad. He called Katelyn a few words and called me the same. He also told her to back off his man and his babies Daddy.

It took so many cupcakes and kisses to calm him down. He did later apologizes but he said he still means the stay away from me rule. That's the hormones making him very possessive, and I don't mind it. It was only towards Katelyn but it might also be because I did use to have a crush on her and she did hurt me a lot. That would make him think she would hurt me more. So for now till the baby is born we don't visit Katelyn and she understands.

2. Other babies.

Zane turns into another Aphmau when he sees babies. This caused him to go baby crazy shopping for our child. Let's just say he/she won't be needing clothes till they're 1 year old.

3 . Sad movies. Last time we watched a sad movie Zane spent hours crying and ate out our entire fridge of sweets. 3 half pints of ice cream, 5 chocolate bars, a dozen cupcakes, and half of my birthday cake he made me.

The next day he was so sick he threw up all day and was mad at me for letting him eat that much food. Now let me tell you I did try to stop him, but every time I did he would hiss at me and say "Do you want me to starve to death." Or "I won't get sick eating this much."

Yeah after he emptied his stomach a few times and said some very hurt full things he did apologize crying as he looked at me. How could I say no to that face. But I did tell him no more sad movies until the baby is born and he agreed.

4. Never. Ever. Leave. Zane. Alone. With. Zianna...

This one was more for me but also a bit for him.

Now grated that is his mother but last time I left them alone while I went to work. I came back to Zianna trying to put Zane in a wedding dress. Granted he looked adorable, but he didn't like it. And I mean the dress not the fact he was in in. Zianna was making him wear her old wedding dress. He didn't mind but he felt self conscious in it since it didn't fit him right.

Next thing I know she throws a potion down and Zane turns back into a girl and fills the dress out to a T. "She" looked very beautiful in it and I couldn't help but stare.

Soon they noticed I was there and my face turned even more red when I saw her beautiful smile at me. It's the rare smile that Zane only shows me when we're alone. Once I saw that smile I fainted big time with a nosebleed to go with it. I later did wake up and Zane was normal again and I kissed his check softly.

5. This is the newest one. Don't leave Zane alone in the morning.

I left Zane alone in bed to go grab some quick groceries from the store. We we're low I didn't want to wake him up. He was so cute and sleeping really well so I let him sleep.

I was gone but 30 minutes and I had everything we needed. As I was being the groceries in I heard crying. I dropped the bags and ran up to mine and Zane's room. Zane was hunched over cryin his eyes out. I quickly move and hug him close.

"Shush it's ok Zane I'm here. What's wrong?" I asked him. He looked at me with his crying face. "Y-You weren't here when I woke up. I-I thought you left me t-to raise our baby alone." He clings to me crying more.

"Cupcake I would never abounded you or our baby. I went to go get some groceries. I didn't want to wake you since this was your day off and you haven't been sleeping well the past few nights." I rub his back softly kissing his checks. Moving the hair away from his face kissing his eye lids. "I'm so sorry I made you think that. I promise I'll always be here by your side when you wake up. So help me if I'm not here my Irene help you find me. I love you Zane."

"I-I love you too Travis. C-Can you please sing for me? Please."

I nod as he snuggles up into my lap holding my hand, I hold his hand as well. I look down at him smiling kissing his check softly. As I rub his back with my free hand, and start singing to him.

Soon Zane falls back asleep listening to me singing. Zane always seems to calm down once I start singing. I don't mind singing to him it makes me happy. But I'm not comfortable doing in front of friends.

Maybe that's why Zane likes my singing a lot because he feels special. I have no idea, but if it makes him happy that's all I want.

I put the note book away and put away the groceries on the ground. Good thing I didn't buy any frozen meals today. Once I was done I head back upstairs to check on Zane.

I walk in and see he's still asleep. I look at the amulet that's in it case. I open the case touching it softly smiling looking at Zane then at it . "I can't wait for you to come into our world. I hope we see you soon your Mommy really wants to see you and I do as well. We're not the most ordinary family but we'll give you so much love." I close the door and hop into bed with Zane pulling him into my embrace. He snuggles up against me and soon sleep takes me in to.

Stay Away- ZanvisOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz