Chapter 14: ➣ Two Ghosts In Luigi's Mansion

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Hello, its me! *realization face* I MUST'VE CALLED A THOUSAND TIMESSSS! TO- okay, I'll skip to the point. Anyways short chapter, and I really don't have anything to babble about today and I justed wanted to do an A/N to say...

HAPPY NEW YEAR!  *fireworks explosions*

Well, 9 days into the new year actually. Eh,  I'm as thickheaded as Sky is. She's my character, after all, lol! Anyways, enough of my ish, go read peeps!

🐥 ---------------------------🐥

"You fucking got that right,"

The blood drained from my face at the sound of his lethal voice, matching Gabes pale one as he turned ever so slowly to face out possible death. How did he even managed to find us? This was so not good.

We were so busted...

There stood Xavier Dante with all his handsome glory by the front door of the convenience, dressed in a pair of black jeans, dark green top and his signature leather jacket, looking as mouth-watering as ever.

Only one small itsy-bitsy problem...

He looked just about ready to kill someone.

🐥 ---------------------------🐥

Not good.

Definitely not good.

"Xavier," I choked on my own spit, mentally yelling at my fingers fidgetting furiously under the tub of ice-cream I was still hugging.

"B-Boss," Gabe stammered, his face resembling a mime as he stood there gaping with a white face. Xavier eyed the both of us carefully, his jaw clenched dangerously and his eyes flaming with rage.

"What are you doing here?" I added innocently, my voice cracking with nervousness as I caught sight of the two loaded revolvers in his grasp.

I swear he even sleeps with those guns beside him.

Gabe remained silent, his eyes darting anywhere but Xavier. He had his reasons, direct eye contact with Xavier in this state was like looking into the eyes of Medusa.

"Did you really think you could leave my territory and expect me not to find out?" He replied in a dangerously low voice.


"N-N-o. No," I gulped, failing to form words under the pressure of the anger rolling off of him in waves.

"Gabriel!" Xavier gritted out, making Gabe jump from his skin and bite his lip from possibly shrieking. "So. Where. The. Fuck. Is. Your. Phone?" 

My face shifted into an even paler color than white, as I quickly averted eye contact from Gabe who slowly turned to look at me. Both of us looked like chooks being taken to kill, well, duck in this case.

His footsteps sounded against the cold black and white patterned tiles and I squeezed my eyes shut sending a quick prayer to duck heaven asking for good hospitality once I die. "Skyler," He said slowly, his fuming face towering above mine as I leaned back trying to create as much distance from him as possible. "Where is Gabe's phone?" He seethed, his minty breath fanning my face.

It was in my bra.

In my bra.

In my freaking bra!

How the ducking hell was I suppose to tell him that!?

'Oh hey Xavier, sorry for the inconvenience but I didn't want to die so I stuffed his phone in my bra, want to get it out?"  NO! I will be a duck gravy if I say that!

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