Chapter 22: ➢ Bingo Boingo

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Guess whos back! Back again! ACG is back! Tell a friend, so ya'll can team up and kill me lol.

So I've had writer's block for AGES that I've legit made another trip around the sun. But ANYWAYS, I cannot thank those readers who still stayed loyal, and I'm so sorry you gotta deal with my dumbass but I'm getting better I swear! 

Okay imma shut up and let you all read :))



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I hate my life...

I'm telling you right now. If I wasn't kidnapped and predominantly never going to graduate, my yearbook quote would literally be "This isn't like High School Musical at all,"

At least in high school musical Troy and Gabriella had somewhat of a romantic first kiss. Whereas in my life, I happen to end up a pancake under one terrifying gang-leader who also happened to have drunk kissed me, that I ran away from...

God, why do I always run away from my problems?

My eyes widened as I felt something soft press against my lips.



His soft lips caressed mine and I felt like I was shot through duck heaven. I wanted it to last forever, but it only lasted a couple of seconds, before he pulled away, leaving me with the taste of raw alcohol on my lips. I stood there speechless for a few seconds, unable to speak as if the wind was knocked right out of me.

He kissed me...ON PURPOSE. 

My cheeks burned red just at the memory of what happened last night. AND I RAN AWAY FROM HIM. 




Shaking my head furiously I stuffed my face back into the pillow wedged between my thighs and flat as chest. How am I ever going to face Xavier? Most importantly how are my hormones going to deal every time I see him now?!

I hate myself, why am I the way I am? Was I seriously dropped on the head as a baby? 

"Gooooood morning munchkin!" Gabriel's voice invaded my train of thought as he burst through my door. No knocking or asking first. Geez, this boy has the manners of a caveman. "Yo are you good?" He probed instantly at the sight of my trying to scramble under the covers to avoid him catching me in my whack moment of panic.

"Yep, yeppity yep, why wouldn't I be lol..." I tried to play it off quickly, sounding a bit too suspicious for comfort. Did I legit just say 'lol'? Stress really does turn me into a monster...

Gabe raised his eyebrow in question, clearly not falling my lies like I had prayed the god he would. 

"Cut the crap Sky,"

I gulped. Gabe wasn't as scary as Xavier Dante but he definitely knew how to glare someone down with a penetrating stare. Goddamn, gang members!

"W-What crap?" my voice kind of shook and I mentally kicked myself for not paying attention in drama class so I could've pulled off my acting skills. 

Cold sweat began trickling down my temple as Gabe started taking small measured steps towards me, a narrow-eyed look marrying his face as he approached.

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