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Aaliyah's P.O.V

The sound of my alarm clock jolts me out of my sleep causing me to groan. I cover my head with my pillow shielding my eyes from the light creeping through my window, I Just want to skip school today. I'm so exhausted. I got home at 3am only to find my pregnant mother passed out on the couch and my little sister Mya sitting on the floor next to the couch watching her. It took me an hour to get her to bed. After I got her to bed I realized the house was a mess, dirty dished were scattered all over the kitchen and bugs were crawling around everywhere. There were dirty clothes all over the floor, forty bottles and trash everywhere , It took me hours to clean everything up, I didn't get to bed until 6:30.

I don't think I can do it today. I just want to sleep. I wrap my blanket tightly around my body sinking deeply into my bed.

"AALIYAH GETCHO ASS UP!" I hear my best friends deep voice shout at me from my bedroom door, ugh no not today.

"I'm not going to school today Keith." I groan not bothering to look over at him.

"We have Exams today, you can't miss them Mrs college girl," Keith tells me making me groan again. Before I could even get my response out I fill Keith's big hand wrap around my ankle as he pulls me out of the bed. I fall onto the cold floor with a thump.

"You asshole, get out my room."I huff and he ignores me as he walks over to my closet pulling out random pieces of clothing.

"Here put this on."He says throwing a random football jersey at me and some faded blue jeans.

"Keith I'm not going to school today okay, I'm tired."I sigh as I pick myself off the ground neatly folding the clothes he had just thrown at me.I walking over to my closet to put them up, but Keith quickly closes the closet door before I could put the clothes in the closet.

"Get dress, Liyah were gonna be late to school." He says in a calm tone.

I look up at him with a serious face so that he can see that I'm not playing today. He stares down at me with the same serious look. He's not going to give up. Ugh Might as well go I do need to take these exams. Its the third quater and I need all my grades to be amazing for when I send in my college applications.

"Get out so I can change."I say rolling my eyes at him causing a huge grin to spread across his face. He steps out the room and I slam the door in his face. God he's annoying. I quickly change into my clothes and grab my bag. Once I walk out the room Keith is still standing there still smailing with that stupid little grin.

"Don't forget to brush your teeth."He tells me with a laugh.

"I'm going to brush my teeth boy, don't worry about me."I tell him as I walk into the bathroom. I cut on the hot water so that I could wash my face, I put my hand under the running water only for it to be freezing cold.

"Fuck!"I yell out in frustration. I knew I should have just paid the bill myself why would I think that she was going to use the money to pay the bill.

"Ay Liyah you good?"I hear Keith ask me from outside of the bathroom door.

"Yeah I'm fine."I sigh. I quickly wash my face with the cold water and brush my teeth. I walk out the bathroom and we head out the door.

"Wait let me tell Mya bye."I tell Keith and quickly sprint over to her room kissing her forehead. She was still sound asleep I hope she stays asleep until I get home. I walk out the house and get in Keith's car. He thinks he so cool in his little Lexus LS400, the only reason I know what kind of car he has is because he brags about it all the time, I don't know anything about cars. Shit I can't even drive. Keith pulls out the driveway and starts cruising down the street.

1993 ♡ | Keith Powers A.U [ COMPLETE ] EditingWhere stories live. Discover now