♡ 5

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I'm not a child but my heart still can dream, so here's my lifeful wish, my grown up Christmas list. Not for myself, but for a world in need, no more lives torn apart, that wars will never start, and time will heal our hearts, every man will have a friend, that right will always win, and love will never end.

~ Monica 1999

Aaliyah P.O.V

I stand in the front of my revolting house, with my little sister standing beside me. Her hand is in my tightly as we just stand there looking at looking at the house. It was Christmas and I felt so terrible for not having a single present to give my little sister, no warms house, no big holiday meal. Nothing.

I take a breath and we walk up tp the front door, I push the door open slowly and walk into the house. It was empty from what I can see and completely silent, Mya and I make our way into my room, she sits on the beat and I go to my closet looking around for something warm for Mya to put on. It was freezing in this house and I know Mya was cold although she was too sweet to complain about it. I found an old sweater. I placed the sweater over her head and she puts it all the way on.

I sit on the bed next to her and wrap my arms around her. I just sat there thinking not knowing how I'm going to explain to Mya why everything is like this.

After a while of us just sitting there on the bed I hear loud banging on the door.

Who the hell is that?

"Stay here okay,"I tell Mya as I get up and go check the door.

I walk to the front door and slowly pull it open, my heart flutters when I see Keith standing behind the door.

"Merry Christmas," he says as he pulls me into a hug, I immediately hug him back squeezing him extremely tight seeing him mad me feel so much better.

"Where's Mya come on let's go,"Keith tells me as he makes his way into the house.

"She's in my room, uh where are we going?"

"My mom cooked a big dinner,"He tells me as he walks into the room, he picks Mya up and tells me to come on. I oblige doing what he says as we walk out the door and get into his car.

The car ride to Keith's house is completely silent, Keith just drives without even looking over at me. Once we get to the house for some reason I feel anxiety Build up in my stomach. I take a breath and we get out the car walking through the front door. The house was full of delicious smells from a home cooked meal something I haven't smelled or tasted in such a long time.

"Oh Aaliyah!There you are."Keith mother cheers as she walks over to me from the kitchen giving me a huge squeeze.

"Hi Mrs.Powers Merry Christmas,"I say to her as I hug her back.

"Hi there cutie Merry Christmas."Mrs.Powers greats Mya.

"Hello," Mya says simply with a small smile and a wave.

"Hey Mya I got you something,"Keith tells my little sister she smiles up at him and he grabs her hand as they walk to his room, I start to panick a little wanting to follow them, but I can't because I need to trust Keith, I stand there watching them walk and I try to calm down.

1993 ♡ | Keith Powers A.U [ COMPLETE ] EditingWhere stories live. Discover now