♡ 16

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My love
There's only you in my life
The only thing that's right  

~Luther Vandross 1994 

Keith's P.O.V 

I sit in English class desperately watching the door just waiting for her to walk through it. She hasn't been to class in weeks and that's Just not like her.School is so important to Liyah, and she doesn't Just skip school. She hasn't been at her job or at her house and I'm so worried about her. It hurts to just think about how different things are now. How she just let him take over. I haven't seen her beautiful face in so long, This is the longest I gone without seeing my beautiful queen and God it hurts. 

The door of the class room slides open and my heart flutters when I see my girl.Her hair was still flat ironed God I miss her curls. She had a black bandana on with an oversized yellow and black jersey. I look down at her feet and she had on a brand new pair of kicks. She had on a pair of dark shades like the hip hop stars in music videos always wear, she looked nice, in her fresh new outfit. 

She looks over at me and looks away without even a smile or wave. She walks right pass me and makes we way to the back of the class taking a seat. 

I was so anxious to talk to her I kept looking at the back of the class where she was sitting hoping for her to acknowledge my presence but she doesn't. Once the bell rings everyone skaters out the class and I stand by the door waiting for Aaliyah to walk out. When she does I quickly grab her shoulder. 

"Liyah why haven't you been at school,"I ask her and she snatches away from me. 

"Don't touch me okay,"She says and begins to walk away but I grab her again.

"Yo what's your problem?" I ask her and she snatches away again this shoving me. 

"I know how you feel about me Keith okay you don't have to pretend anymore just leave me alone, "She snaps and I'm so confused by her words what the fuck is she talking about. 

"What are you talking about Liyah?"I ask her and she shakes her head walking away so I just follow behind her. 

"Aaliyah why are you acting like this stop and talk to me,"I plead as I follow behind her. 

"I have to get to class I have a lot of work to watch up on,"She says coldly. I was becoming so frustrated by the way she was acting, she wouldn't even look at me. 

"Aaliyah I don't know what you think you know but can we please talk before you jump to conclusions. I ask her calmly me and she just lets out a breath not looking at me. 

"Look at me pleas." I beg her but she doesn't look she just stands there.My impatience takes the best of my as I turn her face to look at me and swiftly snatch off her glasses. Her eyes widen and so do mine she quickly tries to cover her face but she can't hide what was already seen. 

I don't speak I just walk away, and she rushes after me trying to pull me back. 

"Keith please, "She pleads as her small body tries to stop me. 

"I'm going to fucking kill him,"I scream as I snatch away from her walking quickly down the hall way. 

"He didn't do this to me Keith please stop it, "She says desperately trying to get in front of me. 

"I can't believe you're trying to defend him right now."I say stopping right in my tracks. "Why are you acting like you're fucking stupid Aaliyah, he has no right putting his hands on you."I snap at her.

1993 ♡ | Keith Powers A.U [ COMPLETE ] EditingWhere stories live. Discover now