♡ 20

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Aaliyah P.O.V 

The younger girls weren't allowed to stay in the older girls room for over an hour so Mya has just left. The only thing that I like about being here is seeing Mya, I miss my little sister so much. Other than that I wish I could leave and go back home with my baby. Luke's mom got him a good lawyer so he got a slap on the wrist for what he did. Some community service. The perks of being spoiled and rich. 

Luke called me a few times while I've been here telling me that he's gonna take me away from there and stuff that actually can't happen. All the kids who stay here ride a special bus to and from school and have ankle monitors like were in prison or some shit if we leave school it alerts them. It alerts them if we go anywhere. On Friday the monitors are cut off until midnight because the teens get to hang out on Fridays. But if we're not where we're supposed to be by midnight we'll be in trouble and our Friday hangout privileges will be taken away. 

These past three weeks have honestly been hell I hate this place. I've been doing much better in school though, I haven't been missing any assignments and I finally got all my college application done and send off. Now all I need to worry about is keeping all my work done and graduating so that I'll actually be able to go to the colleges if I get in. 

I walk out of the small room that I share with a girl name Diana. I make my way into the television room where all the girls are listening to the BBD's poison Album. Everyone had been going crazy over them because they are coming to town in a couple months, for their tour. I personally love BBD but I'm not gonna get my hopes up about going to the show. 

I walk out into the younger kids hangout area and Mya is playing with Ruby. I walk over to them and sit next to them on the carpet. 

"What are you guys playing?" I question. 

Mya hold up a dark skinned barbie doll showing it to me. "We're playing with dolls," She tells me. 

"Brother!"Ruby screams as she drops her dolls and jumps up running over to her brother who was walking over to us. 

"Hey sweety,"Algee says as he picks up his little sister and spins her around. 

"Hey Aaliyah, how are you feeling?"Algee ask me as he sits Mya down. 

"I'm okay I guess, I'm just getting useed to things here," 

"You look better, like more relaxed, no offense but you looks rested and not so on edge"Algee explains. 

He's probably right, I've been sleeping so much better lately, aside from me having the dream about my mother every once in a while, I've been well rested and focused on my school work. 

Algee and I talk for a little about random things, He tells me how the owner of the ice cream shop he works at is getting really old and is thinking about turning the business over to him, He was telling me how if he get's the shop, Ruby can come back home, because they family will have a regular income coming into the home. I was happy for him and I really hope everything works out. 

"Aaliyah,"I hear a familiar voice say causing me to turn my head to see Luke standing there with a dozen roses in his hands, my eyes widen as I rush over to him and he pulls me into a tight hug. 

"I've missed you so much,"I tell him and he kisses my cheek. 

"I've missed you too beautiful,"He says as he passes me the flowers. 

"They're beautiful thank you Luke,"

"How is everything here are you okay?"He ask me and I nod. 

"You look kind of different, "He says as he looks over at Algee. "Who is that?"Luke questions. 

"That's Algee, Remember him from the ice cream shop."I tell him and he looks at him again. 

"Oh.. well why is he here?"

"He's here visiting his sister,"I assure him. 

"Oh.. okay."Luke says simply. 

I smile at him and he looks at me with an unsure look like he doesn't believe me. 

"Friday, I'm taking you out for dinner."He tells me and I nod. 

"Okay just remember I have a curfew,"I remind him. 

"Yeah."He says plainly. 

Keith's P.O.V 

I sit on the couch watching purple rain, Aaliyah's favorite movie, we used to watch the movie together a lot. I miss her so much. I look to the side of me and Briana gives me a sad look. 

"We've been watching this movie every day for two weeks can we please watch something else."She whines and I simply shake my head telling her no. 

"I know why we're watching this boring ass movie, It's because of the stupid black bitch isn't it."She snaps and my blood boils. 

"Don't fucking call her that Briana okay, she's my bestfriend."I snap at her and she rolls her eyes. 

"I don't care Keith okay! I'm sick of you moping around her acting like the world is over because that stupid ass, hood bitch doesn't want to be your friend anymore, stop acting like a bitch and get over it"She yells at me and I could feel my anger rising. 

"Why are you such a bitch Briana, she has been through so much more than you have ever been through in your entire life and you're always giving her a hard time."

"Why do you care about her so much Keith, what about me you don't care about me as much as you care about her."She says looking me in my eyes. 

"That's not true, Briana I love both of you girls the same."I explain to her but I feel a hint of guilt inside of me because I know I'm lying.

"That's not how it's supposed to be Keith! You're supposed to only love me, I'm your girlfriend. You can't have us both."She says as tears start to stream down her face causing me to feel terrible. 

"Bri don't cry," I sigh as I pull her into a hug. She cries into my chest and my heart begins to ache because honestly, all I could think about was Liyah... she's the only girl I care about and want. 

I'm honestly so fucking sorry for taking so long to update. I was gonna update last week but you know... the new edition movie was my main focus it had me completely shook. I loved it so much all the guys did amazing. I dead ass watch the movie every day, but anyways I'll update again today, well I promise I really will try. I've been kinda busy lately lol. I'm also sorry that this chapter is short but I really needed to upload and get things done or i'll keep procrastinating. Also I'm sorry for not having songs in the beginning of this chapter and the last chapter I couldn't think of anything that fits. ~ Lisa 

(if you're not following my Keith fan page on Instagram its @daddy.appreciation, also I have a Woody fan page @woody.inspired and an Algee fanpage @algee.inspired ) 

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