Chapter 4

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Reader's Pov

As you headed downstairs you heard Papyrus' voice and a deep man's voice which had to be their dad. "Heya old man." Sans said.

"Hello Sans, oh who is this?" the grown up said. He was wearing a white lab cot with black clothing, he had white hair like Sans and Papyrus, and he had two scares near his eyes, one going up on his left eye and one doing down on his right eye almost to his mouth.

"That's (F/N) dad, I told you about her just a few seconds ago." Papyrus said.

"Oh yes, I'm greatly sorry, I am Gaster." he said holding out his hand for you to shake it, you did.

Gaster's Pov

I held out my hand for (F/N) to shake it and when she did I sense a great power sores from her, could it be her soul? "Hey old man, you're staring." Sans told me.

"Is everything alright?" (F/N) asked me.

"Oh yes I'm fine, just tired from work is all." I said.

"Well my amazing spaghetti will wake you up." Papyrus said, I smiled.

"I'm sure it will, Papyrus." I said then we sat down and Papyrus put some spaghetti on our plates, I was surprised to see it wan't burnt this time. I eat some, same with (F/N) and Sans and it tasted better then last time. "Well Papyrus, you improved." I said, he smiled then started to eat. Sans then took a bottle of ketchup and put it on his spaghetti.

"Sans! You're ruining it!" Papyrus said.

"No Paps I'm not, I put ketchup on it so it can pasta-time." Sans said, I chuckled and (F/N) laughed as Papyrus got mad.

"Sans your so good at puns I guess I need to ketchup on mine." (F/N) said and Sans took that as a challenge.

"Not you too!" Papyrus said.

"Oh this is going to be interesting." I said.

Reader's Pov

You and Sans looked at each other both with a smirk knowing that it's on. "The reason why Paps get's so mad when I tell puns is because he takes it as a pun-ishment." Sans said, Gaster laughed.

"Well I will win this and you'll feel blue." you said pointing at his sweatshirt, Gaster kept on laughing and Papyrus got more mad.

"Well theirs a kid in our school named Temmie and she always give me a good tem." Sans said making Gaster laugh and Papyrus even more mad.

"Well we can go on forever because I have a Metta-ton of puns." you said, Gaster laughed and Papyrus stood up slamming his hands on the table.

"ENOUGH PUN!" Papyrus said, you all laughed, after Papyrus sat back down.

Sans' Pov

"Nice puns, didn't know you had them in you." I said.

"Yeah well I haven't found anyone to share puns with until now." (F/N) said looking at me with a smirk. I don't know why but my heart skipped a beat.

"Oh look at the time, I'm sorry (F/N) but you have to go." Gaster said giving me a certain look and I knew what that meant.

"Oh ok um Sans can you bring the project to school tomorrow so we can finish it in class?" (F/N) asked me standing up.

"Yeah no problem." I said.

"And I'll remind you Sans." Paps said.

"Heh thanks bro." I said, I then went into my room and grabbed her (F/C) bag and gave it to her.

"Thanks Sans." she said.

"No problem." I said.

"Here, let me show you out." Gaster said.

"Ok." (F/N) said, I sat back down and eat the rest of my food.

Reader's Pov

Gaster took you to the door and opened it for you, you walked outside. "Thank you for the dinner Mr. Gaster." you said.

"Anytime and you can call me Gaster or Dr. Gaster." he said.

"Ok, thank you Gaster." you said.

"No problem and please come again." he said then he shut the door, you turned around and walked to your house. You unlocked the door, turned on the light, closed your eyes and sighed. You then opened your eyes and one of them was black while the other one was (F/C), you snapped your figures and furniture and food and more showed up.

"Well that was an easy move." you said once your eyes turned back to normal, you then headed into your room, put on pajama's and went to bed.

Sans' Pov

After dinner, Paps when to bed and the old man gave me that look again when (F/N) was here. 'Ugh not again.' I thought then we headed outside. We went to our shed and headed into the secret lab that is in their. I sat down and spun in the chair. "So what is it now?" I asked him.

"Don't worry Sans, I'm not going to ask you to use your magic for test, just some questions is all." Gaster said.

"What kind of questions?" I asked him.

"Tell me what you know about (F/N)." he said which surprised me, out of all of the things he would want to know in the world, THAT is what he asked me. At lest I don't have to waste much energy tonight.

"Well, she's smart, always on time, likes Frisk and everyone, also by the looks of it Chara doesn't seem to like her but the weed seems to have some sort of interest." I said, getting jealous at the last few words I said. But why am I jealous?

"Hmm, can you sense anything around her?" he asked me and know that he said that I did sense something strange or even powerful.

"Yeah now that you said that, when I'm near her I do sense something like umm almost powerful if that's how I could put it." I said.

"Hmm interesting." he said. "You can go to bed now if you'd like." he said not facing me.

"Cool oh and Alphys only knows right?" I asked him.

"Yes Sans and until I find more about (F/N) it's only between the two of us." he said.

"Ok good, night old man." I said.

"Goodnight Sans." he said and my eye turned blue, I snapped my figures and I was in my room, I took off my sweatshirt, put it next to my mattress and took off my shirt and put it on top of my sweatshirt and flopped on my bed. I looked at my ceiling wondering about what Gaster said and it made me think.

'Does (F/N) also have powers? Wait no she couldn't. Their's no way, only a few people have powers and I'm one of the only few, same with the weed and the knife lover, Frisk I guess you could say she has powers but that's just determination.' I thought then fell asleep a minute after.

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