Chapter Thirty: Riversong

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Rows and rows of twoleg dens had past as we walk through the twoleg place. Every now and then a monster would roar past us, soaking us in horrible smelling fluids.  

My nose and throat burned from the harsh smells of thunder-paths and rubbish.

"Are we nearing the end of this place?" I hissed as the sun began to set. "I need to reach the mountains soon!"

"I'm sorry Riversong." Oreo sighed "It's still a few nights journey from here to the mountains."

I grunted in response and continued to follow the two toms.

Soon we came to a wall, from the other side of it there was the loud barking of a dog as it heard us approaching.  

"What now?" I hissed loudly "We can't go back and I'm not going in there!"

Looking back at me Tobby laughed his reply. "We walk on the fence, the dog can't jump onto it like we can."  

Once he finished he and Oreo leapt onto the fence and looked down as he called for me to follow.

Once I had also leaped onto the fence I felt my due prick as I saw the dog beneath us on the other side, it's strong looking teeth snapping as he barked loudly at us. 

Though my paws felt that the fence was sturdy it was a relief when we had gotten past the dog.

"We'll be able to see how far we've got left soon." Tobby said as he walked along the fence behind me. "Then we can stop and hunt."

My stomach growled at the thought of fresh kill. I hadn't eaten much since I had left the forest, we had only been able to stop a few times since I had been insistent that we needed to arrive at the mountains soon. 

After a few moments the fence ended and the slanted top of a twoleg den stood in front of us. 

Without even stopping to speak, Oreo launched himself onto the roof, so I followed and listened as Tobby did the same.

Slowly the slope led upward until we reached where it began to slope downward and from there we were able to see everything ahead of us. 

From what I saw it was defiantly bound to be several more sunrises of travel, but I could also see the mountains as their peaks met the clouds. 

And just below us there was a small patch of forest, from which the prey scent was drifting up towards us.

"We can stay the night there, and travel in the morning." Tobby grunted, his low voice almost a murmur in the wind that was blowing in from the mountains.

"Good idea," I replied as I began to carefully walk down towards the forest.

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