Chapter Thirty-Seven: Blackheart

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My heart raced as the wind rushed through my fur. The full moon was glowing brightly in the clear sky as we sprinted through the forest, making our way to the gathering.

My three kits had been chosen to come as it was to be their first gathering, their mentors where also chosen, though Amberstar had made it clear that she would be watching Leafstorm.  

So in total we had brought; me, Leafstorm, Flashpelt, Nettleblossom, Leopardfang, Echostream, Darkflame, Midnightpaw, Splashpaw, Snowpaw, and of course Amberstar.

Now we stood at the top of the slope that led to Four-Trees. The three original clans were there so far yet Moonclan was not.  

I looked at the others around me, Darkflame was looking intently down into the clearing, his amber gaze fixed into place. Leafstorm seamed stiff, Midnightpaw standing next to him, her blue gaze watching his every move.

Suddenly Amberstars tail tip flicked, motioning for us to enter the clearing. As we flooded into the clearing down the slope, I caught sight of Moonclan doing the same on our right side; Tigerfangs black striped pelt glowing vibrantly in the moonlight, it felt as though his forest green eyes were already locked on my scar'd pelt. 

When we reached the clearing, Nettleblossom was at my side. She was watching me kindly as she noticed my fur prick at the sight of my old mate.

"Blackheart, are you sure you don't want to tell me what happened?" she asked soothingly.

I shook my head, 'this is my battle to fight.' I tried to tell her with a calm expression.

She sighed and shook her head but stayed at my side as she watched the other cats in the clearing. It looked as though she was watching for someone.

I almost asked as a chill pierced my pelt, sharp as claws. Looking away from Nettleblossom I saw Tigerfang headed towards me with Snowstar and Pinefall at his sides. His eyes where dark, though Snowstars and Pinefalls gave nothing away.

"Blackheart." Snowstar said, a note of kindness in her voice "We have come to ask that you reenter Moonclan with your kits."


Pinefall then spoke "We've learned that without you we cannot fulfill the prophecy given."

Snowstar nodded "You where one of the chosen cats, we need you to come with us to the moonstone tommorow night to learn the next part of our destiny.

'I choose my own destiny' I said with my tail trying not to attract the attention of my clan 'I am a loyal Thunderclan warrior and my kits are as well. I haven't any of the gifts that you may all have and I know it was not meant I be with you or Tigerfang.'

"We understand your reasons Blackheart." the leader said calmly "But we would still wish that you come with us to moonstone to see what Starclan thinks."

She then stepped back allowing Tigerfang to step forward. He glanced back at his leader. I frowned, once my mate, the cat who had saved my life then tried to take it after.

Why would I ever trust him again.

"Blackheart..." he sighed. Almost sounding like his normal self "Please come, -I I'm sorry for what I said the last time we spoke. I haven't been myself lately." 

I looked into his eyes, they seamed guarded, He was hiding something from me. But they also held sorrow, and a longing for forgiveness. 

"I understand if you choose to hate me for my actions, but we are destined to save the clans together with or without love."

I closed my eyes for a second, longing to have the strength to brush past his plea. But I did not, so when my eyes opened I replied with a steady face.  

'I will come to mothermouth but no further if Starclan allows me to return home.'

"Thank you." Snowstar dipped her head turning around as Pinefall followed her though Tigerfang lingered. 

His body so close to mine as to where I could feel his breath against my fur and smell his scent around me.  

My mind left me for all the great times we had once had together.

But just before I could touch my noes to his, an icy voice shook from his body "Do not forget my warning Blackheart-."  

My body shivered and I stepped back and looked into his eyes, once clear but now the hidden emotion clear as dawn. 

"Your death will be at my claws."

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