Chapter Nine

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        “Wait, I’m confused—” Brendan was cut short.

        “No time. I’ll explain it to you later. Right now, we gotta go. Ari, scan for any alien tech or life.”

        “I’m on it,” she replied and pulled a device out of her bag. She turned it on and paused, then, looking worried, “It’s not working.”

        “Here, I’ll try mine,” Tosh said. There was a pause and the same thing happened.

        “Everyone get every single device you got on you and try using it. Now.” Tori ordered. They did as they were told and the only two things that worked were Gwen’s Gizmo and the comms.

        “If your Gizmo is working, how do you know? There aren’t any cameras here, are there?” Brendan asked, looking around.

        “Well, no, but there are three miles away. If there aren’t any cameras in the area, it goes to the closest camera it can find and shuts it off.” Gwen said to him.

        “Ok, listen up. We need to find a way out of here. First, let’s find the cars. Brendan and Ianto, was anything working in the cars?” Jack asked looking at both of them.

            They shook their heads. “So they’re completely dead? How is that possible? They were working before.”

        “It can still drive. The technology we’ve got in there doesn’t work.” Ianto replied.

       “I see… Okay, everyone, get to the cars. Meet up at the entrance… If there is one,” Jack said quickly, gathering his group.

            “Wait,” Tosh said, looking around, “Where’s Owen?”

            Tori scratched her head, “More importantly, where’s Becca?”

            “Didn’t you send them that way?” Gwen pointed, “Toward the vans?”

            Tori nodded, “Yeah, you’re right. We better go, c’mon.” Tori gathered her team and together they ran. Converse and boots splashed noisily in the recent puddles of rain.

(A/N- The picture on the side is Vikki Blows, she's portraying "Tori Sparrow")

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