Nine: New beginnings and new partners in crime

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Two chapters in one week as a special thanks for over 900 views! And for putting me as no. 220 in fantasy. Thank you xoxox

Twenty minutes later, after sneaking past the other classes and almost getting caught several times; we had safely made it to the back of the school fields and into the small wooded area.

"Couldn't we have just practised in the classroom?" I sighed and slumped against a tree

"Sure, if you want to set the smoke alarms off." Kyle rolled his eyes as if it were the most obvious thing. "Now, stand up; this is going to take a lot of concentration."

"Dude," I snorted which was very unladylike of me and probably something a princess should not be doing. "All you have to do is make me angry and I'll set fire to something."

"Well that would work if I wanted you to blow up this whole wood," He held his arms up and circled around much like a child would do "I think we would get caught for bunking classes then, don't you Princess?"

I grumbled something that would make a sailor blush before standing up straight. "Right, teach me what to do."

"Why are you so adamant about learning all of this anyway?" He kicked some dirt about

"The quicker I learn," I stared down at my hand and trying to set it alight, just how Archie had this morning "the quicker I can go back to Stella and Taylor."

I heard footsteps and our of the corner of my eye, from where I was staring at my hand, I could see Kyle's black converse shoes.

"Arabella," He used a tone that should be saved for talking to a small child or a wild animal which you were trying to calm down. "I think you misunderstood. You're not going back to Stella or Taylor."

"Of course I am." I looked up and instantly took a step back, not liking the fact Kyle was in my personal space.

"No...once it is safe enough for the public to know about you then you will live with your parents." He looked down at me with pity.

I don't do pity.

I shrugged "Okay."

"Okay?" He repeated and bent down to look at me eye-to-eye. "Okay?"

"Kyle," I sighed "I don't have a-"

"You don't have a stutter I know. We've discussed this already." He interrupted me before looking down at me again, squinting his eyes this time in question "Are you sure you're okay with the fact that you're not going to see them again because last time you flipped and brought a tree through the window?"

"Look, I'm not going to does upset me but there's nothing I can do about it now. The Elements need me more that Stella and Taylor do."

It scared me how easily the lies were falling from my lips. I had no intention of not seeing my family again; as soon as I was capable of setting a fire on the palm of my hand. But Kyle didn't need to know that.

"Element Manipulators." Kyle corrected me with a smile on his face before clapping his hands together "Right, should we get started?"

"Show me what to do," I smirked and watched as he set a small flame on top of his hand. I layed my hand flat out in front of me and looked up at him "Now what?"

"Okay, close your eyes," He said and I obeyed "now, picture a small flame on your palm. Think of how hot it will be and what it will smell like. Imagine the flame flickering about in the wind."

The Princess of ElementsWhere stories live. Discover now