Thirteen- fire extinguisher

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The next three weeks went by in a blur.

Archie had spoken to Robert Williams and had gotten my classes changed which meant I had no excuse to bunk from classes anymore. He had also suggested that I got some training from the boys- well Aiden and Kyle that is because Lucas was only spoke and went near me when he had to be.

Oh and I was still sleeping in Kyle’s room.

And he still slept shirtless.

“A are you even paying attention to anything I’m saying?” Elliot pushed my shoulder to get my attention.


Nope I was picturing Kyle shirtless.

“Of course I was El.” I rolled my eyes and pushed him back

“What did I say then?” He grabbed a greasy slice of pizza and put it on his lunch tray.

“You were moaning about the fact Williams took away your bag of washing up liquid.” I laughed and grabbed a sandwich. Elliot was bored so last night he went out and brought a load of washing up liquid, he told me he was going to put them into the lid of every toilet so that when someone flushed the chain bubbles would be everywhere.

“He can’t just take away my washing up liquid.” Elliot huffed and gave the woman at the till his money.

“I did that once when I was like seven El, I think you need some new pranks.” I followed Elliot since he never let me pay for my own lunch and we walked towards the canteen.

“There is nothing wrong with my pranks A!” He gasped as if I had really offended him.

“Oh shut up you sissy,” I laughed

“Sissy? What are you, five?” Elliot quickly walked past the table where Kyle was sat, glaring at him.

“Says the boy who wants to put washing up liquid in the toilets.” I mocked

“A!” Someone shouted and I turned around to see Dylan waving at me to sit with her.

I looked from Elliot to the Knights then back again.

We had had this problems a few times, Kyle had made it clear that he didn’t like Elliot- he even told me that he was a bad example for me and I that I shouldn’t be hanging out with him.

I set fire to his shoes.

They weren’t on his feet though, I’m not that crazy.

I didn’t want to start an argument between the two boys since there was obviously a testosterone match going on between them so I always kept the two apart.

“It’s fine don’t worry.” Elliot handed me my sandwhich and smiled “Youre gonna love my next prank.”

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