The Grim Reaper (Mark)

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(This is an AU in which Mark is a Grim Reaper and you're destined to die. I'm unsure if anyone else has thought of this AU before, but if I'm the first, I'll name it Reaperplier. I hope you enjoy. This imagine was written by me, Andy, and the only association with this that Allie had was informing me of things that I didn't know about Mark) (Word Count: 1286)

You sat in your dark room, a blinding glow emanating from the screen of your laptop. It was two in the morning and you were still awake, exhaustion from your long day of work settling in. You closed the warm device, placing it carefully inside of your bedside table. Falling back against your cool pillows, you welcomed sleep with open arms. And within a few short moments you were asleep, strange dreams playing out behind your eyes.

You were sitting outside a coffee shop at a black metal table. You had a cup of hot chocolate in front of you, steam rolling off of its warm surface. The sky was clear, the sun beaming down onto your skin. It felt wonderful, it's heat acting like a blanket in the chilly air around you. The sidewalks were barren, the many colorful and vibrant shops vacant of all life. The street looked like it should be home to many wonders; people playing music and children dancing, friends going shopping and hanging out, teens riding bikes and getting things to eat. It looked like a place that people would go to feel alive.

"This place is wonderful isn't it?" a voice spoke from across the table. You whipped around, your heart racing. His deep voice had caught you by surprise, his looks doing the same. He had bright red hair on top of his head, the black going around the sides and the back. He wore glasses that fit his face perfectly, and a jawline that could cut glass. His skin was tan; not like someone who sunbathed frequently, but like he went outside often. He wore an aviator's jacket, brown leather with white fluff as the collar. His eyes were the most shocking part about him; they were as black as night. Not a single speck of white anywhere within them. Just black, empty orbs that gave off an eerie vibe.

"Yes it is," you replied politely. You stayed calm; it was just a dream, nothing would be able to hurt you. You were unable to relax, though, sitting on the edge of your seat in preparation to run if need be. He could tell that you were nervous around him, the corners of his mouth turning up slightly.

"Am I sending off had vibes, or am I really that ugly?" he joked, his deep voice sending shivers down your spine. You chose to remain silent, giving away your true feelings. He nodded in understanding, looking you in the eyes. Within a few seconds, the black abyss that were his eyes faded away, and you were left staring in beautiful chocolate brown orbs. They were warm and inviting, and you instantly felt more relaxed around him. He cleared his throat, snapping you out of the gaze that you held on his eyes. You looked down at your drink in embarrassment. "Better?"

"Yes," you replied quickly. You looked back up at him and tilted your head slightly, your next question causing him to roll his eyes. He had obviously heard it before. "Who are you?"

"Well if I told you that," he said, snapping his fingers, "then where would the fun go?" A mug of black coffee appeared in front of him. A gentle breeze blew the scent of it your way and you smiled a bit, the scent of the dark roast reminding you of your father. He would always make a pot of coffee early Saturday mornings to share between the two of you, your mother going off to weekend yoga and your brother off to work.

"Well if you can't tell me who you are, then however will I find you again?" you asked, your voice somehow finding its confidence. He smiled, stuffing his hands into his pockets. He was a rather attractive man, and since it was nothing but a dream, flirting was something that you wouldn't regret.

"There's plenty of ways to find me, but if I tell you what they are, you might be tempted to try them," he stated with a wink. His tone was serious yet his actions antic, his playful expression just topping off your confusion. "I've already had to stop you from doing it twice, so kindly don't make me do it again."

"Stopped me from doing what?" you leaned forwards, crossing your arms on the table in front of you. You smiled wide, an action that made the man in front of you grin.

"You know, you wouldn't like the answer if I told you," he stated, his smile dropping slightly. Yours dropped as well, his serious demeanor turning the playful mood of your conversation into something more grim. You were confused and curious, and his cryptic answers were just making you more clueless.

"Well how's about you just tell me? I'm a big girl." He looked down at the ground, his lips turning up slightly. When he looked back up his eyes were black once more, the gentle breeze turning into a harsh wind. The gorgeous blue sky was clouded with dark storm clouds, a slight drizzle falling. You shivered, your heart beginning to race.

"How's about I just leave you with a gift," he stated, standing up and removing his left hand from his pocket. He placed a small black box on the table and began to walk away. You picked up the box and opened it, finding a ring on the inside.

"Why won't you tell me who you are?" you shouted out to him, the rain beginning to pour down rapidly. Thunder could be heard in the distance.

"You'll think of me differently. But don't worry, I'll be around. You'll always know when I'm near." He held up his right hand, a ring matching yours residing in his middle finger. You wanted to chase after him and demand answers; you didn't know who he was, why he was there, why he gave you the ring, what he wanted, or what the point of this dream was. You were frozen in your chair. You wanted so desperately to chase after him but for some reason, you stayed in that chair and waited for yourself to wake up.

You opened your eyes and yawned, feeling unusually well rested. It was a feeling that you didn't experience often and, for some reason, you feel like it had to do with that dream. It stuck to your mind like glue. Most dreams that you had were forgotten a few moments after opening your eyes in the morning, but this was as vivid as when you had it. You could remember every single word that came out of his mouth, every time the wind blowed, every time he looked into your eyes; it was as clear as day.

You went to rub the sleep out of your eyes, stopping when you felt something heavy and metal on your right middle finger. You gasped at the sight of it, immediately noticing how much more detail was on it than in the dream. The ring sat perfectly on your finger, not too loose, not too tight. It had different symbols that you couldn't understand engraved on it, a large red gem sitting in the middle. It glittered in the light pouring through your bedroom window.

No matter how beautiful it was, it scared the everliving hell out of you. You wrapped your left hand tightly around it and pulled, but it didn't come off. You twisted it around your finger, and it moved, but as soon as you attempted to twist it off, it didn't budge.

"'You'll always know when I'm near,'" you quoted aloud, his words beginning to make sense. You shook your head, swinging your legs out of bed and massaging your temples. You couldn't process anything that was happening, all except for the big question.

Does that mean he's real?

(I hope you all enjoyed this imagine. There will be no part two up in this imagine book. Allie is allowing me to write this on her account, so it will be a separate book. Our good friend Meghan is in the process of drawing a cover for it, so when that is finished, expect to see the book go up on this account. I'm going to turn things back over to Allie, who has a few things to say. Andromeda out)

Well, that was probably the best damn thing I've ever read. Andy is probably one of the best authors I've ever read anything by, and I've read a lot of shit. Like, a lot.

But anywho, just a few minor things to update you all on. I will be posting a new imagine every Sunday, and if not, I'll send out a message on my message board. If I don't post on a Sunday, I will most likely post twice the following Sunday, or I'll post the next day. If it's neither of those, then I just won't be posting that week. I hope you guys don't mind, but I'm nearly as bad as Andromeda when it comes to updating stories.

So yeah, be on the lookout for "The Grim Reaper". It will be a Mark x Reader, so the pronoun you will be thrown in there. Andy will be doing a few choose a path things, so they're all up to you readers out there to decide.

Happy reading,

Allie B.

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