Save me Ohmie

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Bryce kicked his foot against the wall as he looked up at the huge screen in the airport. He moved his head slightly to the music that was blaring through his headphones as he scanned through the hundreds of flights to find the one that would take him back to Georgia.

He let his eyes wander to the large window that he was standing by. Christmas in California had been nice, but right after New Years he was more than ready to head home. He had been posting a lot of videos by himself lately and he was ready to get back home to record with the others. Just as Bryce let himself get lost in watching the snow fall almost angrily from the sky, something hit the back of his leg.

Turning around Bryce saw a mother and a small toddler in a stroller. "Oh I am so sorry dear." She said bending down to pick up the cup.

"It's no problem at all." Bryce replied kindly as the toddler took the cup only to toss it away again. This time he retrieved the cup and gave it back to the mother. "I'm Bryce." He said as she took the cup back.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Sarah. Where are you headed tonight Bryce? There is word of an awful big storm coming. Most of the flights have been cancelled." Bryce's eyes snapped up to the board and sure enough there was far to much red on the board for him to be comfortable.

"Uh, Georgia." He replied as he saw the cup to sailing through the air once again. Scooping it up he gave the toddler a smile as he held it just out of her reach. "Listen here little one. Don't give your momma her any more trouble." The baby giggled and then reached for Bryce's watch, the cup long forgotten.

"Im sorry dear, but it doesn't seem that any more flights are leaving tonight. Bryce looked up at the board and sighed knowing that she was right.

"That's fine." Bryce said as he rubbed a hand over the back of his neck.

"Well I must be getting home now. Thank you for entertaining Lucy for me." Bryce nodded as he watched them go, but all he could really think about was the long flight he just got off of, and the long flight he would have to be on to go home.

"I don't want to stay in the airport..." Bryce whispered to himself as he tossed his bags down and pulled out his phone. He quickly searched for some hotels but was discouraged to find only extremely expensive rooms. Sighing again Bryce switched to his messages to text the only person he knew in Chicago.

Brycey: Hey Ohm? You busy?

Ohmie: Nope. What's up b?

Brycey: can you recommend a hotel in Chicago that doesn't cost like four hundred dollars a night?

Ohmie: you're in Chicago? What are you doing here?

Brycey: my flight got canceled because of the storm. So, about that hotel?

Ohmie: where are you?

Brycey:um, Chicago Midway International. Is there a hotel close by?

Ohmie: hold on. I'm coming to get you. Go near the front gates.

To say that Bryce was shocked was an understatement. Sure, he and Ohm had seen each other. There had been some skype calls in the mix of all their gaming together, but he didn't expect Ohm to drop everything in the middle of a snow storm to come pick him up from the airport. He didn't question it though as he grabbed his bags and made his way towards the front of the building. He passed many groaning people as they yelled at workers and each other as if they were to blame for the random unpredicted snow storm.

Bryce almost got pushed over by three different people before he finally made his way to a small bench right inside of the doors. He sighed for what felt like the hundredth time in an hour and sat down, resting his head on the wall behind him.

He was dosing off and almost to the point of sleep when he felt someone lightly shake his shoulder. His eyes flew open and he was face to face with a man he was sure he was in love with, even though he had only ever seen him through a Skype window. "Don't you know you are not supposed to fall asleep in random airports? Someone could steal your stuff! This is Chicago ya know." Bryce chuckled at that and awkwardly looked around not wanting it to seem like he was staring.

"What time is it?" Bryce asked as he stood up brushing the wrinkles out of his shirt and moving to stretch his cramping back.

"It's a little after one in the morning. I'm sorry I couldn't get here sooner, but there was so much traffic because of the snow." Ohm chuckled softly. "You'd think they would be used to it by now." Bryce just shrugged looking out the window to the part of the sidewalk that was in the lights of the building.

"You never see this in Georgia." Bryce sighed wistfully, he shifted again and froze as a sharp pain tore through his back. "Ouch." He whispered rubbing the back of his shoulder, not quite able to reach the source of the pain. "Stupid plane seats. I think I made it worse with the bench." Bryce shrugged it off when he noticed Ryan's eyes following the movement of his hand. There was a moment of awkward silence and then Ryan cleared his throat before bending down to pick up a couple of Bryce's bags.

"I have some pain killers back home. I don't have a guest bedroom, but I do have a pretty comfortable couch. I fall asleep on it enough to know." Ryan chuckled and Bryce felt himself smile at the familiar sound. Bryce picked up the only bag that was left under the bench and followed Ryan out into the cold and snowy night. "The car is over here. Come on before you freeze to death." Ryan shook his head as he opened the passenger side door before taking the bag from Bryce's hand and put it in the back.

"Thanks for saving me Ohmie." Bryce sighed rubbing his hands together as the heater kicked on and they pulled out of the parking lot onto the crowded street.

"Ryan." The other man said side glancing Bryce as he made a right turn. "We're not recording." Bryce just nodded leaning back into his seat trying to find a comfortable position as they came to a standstill in traffic.

"Okay, Ryan."

((I apologize if this sucks... I absolutely love this ship so I hope it gets better if you don't like it! If you didn't read my before warning this will contain smut. So if you are uncomfortable, I will put a warning before smutty chapters!! Thanks for reading! :D))

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