Get out

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"I can't believe you did that to me!" Ryan woke with a start as he heard the words being yelled from the other side of the bed. He opened his eyes and saw the younger man with a pillow over his face and his knees pulled up by his chest. Ryan blinked a few times before sitting up a little worried that Bryce was honestly angry at him for what he had done.

"Brycey?" Ryan asked moving to place a hand on his knee. All of a sudden the pillow covering the younger man's face flew across and smashed into Ryan's. Ryan moved the pillow and looked over at Bryce who had then stood up. "What the hell Brycey?" The older man scratched his head And watched as Bryce's face when went from one of anger to a wild boyish smile. "I Don't know what the hell is going on right now." Ryan groaned laying back down on the bed and pulled the pillow that was just thrown at him over his face.

"Get up Ry! The guys want to record today!" Bryce had the usual pep in his voice and Ryan knew that the anger he was forced to face yesterday.

"Okay. Here, help me up." Ryan said kicking the blanket off his nearly bare body while sticking his hand up for Bryce to take.

"Fine ya old ma-" Bryce yelped as he was pulled down onto the bed and onto Ryan. The older man laughed as he crossed his arms across Bryce's back so the younger man could not leave. "Hey." He pouted and Ryan once again cut him off with a sloppy kiss to his lips. Bryce was not going to be the person to turn the older man down so he smiled into the kiss and moved to fist his hands through Ryan's  hair. 

"Hey." Ryan said as he pulled back. His voice was deep with sleep and Bryce closed his eyes and smiled. "I do not want to get up yet Bryce."  The older man pouted and Bryce's head fell back in a laugh. 

"Well, we have work to do. I think they said something about golf." Bryce laughed again when Ryan groaned and grabbed for a pillow over on the other side of the bed. When he grabbed it he gave it to Bryce and mumbled something about killing him. Bryce just laughed and pulled himself out of the bed so he could go get in the shower. 

"Don't slip." Ryan called after him and he smiled when he heard Bryce's cheerful laugh ring through the house. When he heard the door shut to the bathroom he groaned and kicked the blanket off of his body. When he stood up he looked around the room and pulled on a shirt and changed his shorts so he did not stink. When he picked up his phone he had messages from the guys telling him of their plans to record some golf. The older man stood up an stretched his arms over his head and groaned as his back cracked. "Good God I am sore." He whispered to himself as he walked out of the room to help set things up to record. 

 *  *  *  *  * Two Days Later because I can *  *  *  *  * 

"Are you actually kidding me?" Ryan yelled reaching up to grip his hair that was already sticking up in different directions from running his hands through it repeatedly. He couldn't even remember what they were fighting about, or how it even started. All he knew was that this was where they were, and no matter how much it sickened him to be fighting with Bryce his pride seemed to keep telling him to shout that he was right even though he didn't even remember what he was right about. He had just walked back into the room after Bryce had been ignoring him. 

"Ryan I don't want to fight anymore." Bryce sighed. Ryan was going crazy because they had been fighting for almost two days now and he had not gotten to touch Bryce once. He had tried, but every time he did Bryce would pull away and mumble something about their argument and how he was not over it. 

"So what? It's just easier to fucking ignore me then?" Ryan spit out and Bryce flinched back at the curse. 

"Well excuse me if I don't want our sex life passed around between our friends like it is just a joke, or a trophy to you! I am not a toy that you can just show off to your friends Ryan!" Bryce snapped out. His voice cracked and he turned away from Ryan as a tear dripped down his cheek. Ryan stood there for a minute before two and two snapped together. 

"That picture? Bryce, it was just a fucking picture? It didn't even show anything. Just on hickey on your neck! Why the hell are you so mad about it?" Ryan said stepping forward reaching out for the younger man. Bryce flinched away an Ryan's heart broke when the younger man turned around Ryan saw the tears sliding down his face. 

"It was more than just a picture Ryan!" Bryce spit out hurt that Ryan was just overlooking it as if nothing had happened. He was mortified when he got on their group skype chat and saw a picture of him sprawled out on the bed, fully dressed, but with a large hickey on the side of his neck on full display. It wouldn't have bugged him that much if it weren't for the fact that Ryan had then acted like he had the coolest toy on the playground. He was bragging Bryce up in a way that made him just feel wrong...

((Quick A/N: I KNOW Ryan would never do this... But I got this in a request message that this would happen to spread some drama so just go with it... Thanks, love you, byee))

 "I don't understand what the big deal is here." Ryan said running another hand through his hair. In the back of his mind he was surprised that he hadn't just ripped it out yet. 

"Get out." Bryce said suddenly turning around to face the older man. The man in question blinked a few times not really comprehending. "Out." Bryce sobbed out moving to touch Ryan for the first time in two days. However, it was just to shove his shoulder back. "Leave me alone. Go home." Bryce was a sobbing mess as he fell to his knees on the floor, but Ryan only earned another shout when he tried to comfort him.

Ryan did as he was told, not stopping to pick up any of the things he packed but his cell and keys, and headed out the stumbling in the dark to his car. A loud sob escaped his lips as he pulled out of the driveway and started in on the heartbreaking drive home. 


(("Do a chappie where Ohm sends like a picture or something to the other people and Bryce gets really mad and emotional and kicks him out. I love me some Brohm Drama. Plus maybe a little something something when they make up? Thanks so much I luv u and ur story!"  Here you have itt! I hope it was what you wanted.))

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