Missing home

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During supper Ryan's phone lit up so he picked it up and scrolled through it while Bryce chewed, distracted with something completely different. "I called it! Man I need to buy a lottery ticket!" Bryce was snapped out of his thoughts and he looked over at the older man with a questioning look. "Chicago was just put under a state of emergency. Wow, we are supposed to get a lot of snow." Bryce groaned and took a sip of the beer that Ryan had given him.

"I miss the warmth of Georgia!" Bryce sighed. Ryan laughed took a sip of his own drink. "What do you want to do tomorrow?" Bryce asked glancing up at the older man. Ryan shrugged as he continued to eat.

"I have a few things in mind." He smirked and Bryce's face turned bright red. "I'm kidding." Ryan laughed. Bryce shook his head chuckling slightly. He was still so very confused as to what was happening between them. All he knew was that maybe his silly crush on the older man wasn't as hopeless as he thought it was before he got stuck in the airport. "What do you want to do?" The small smile on his face made the one on Bryce's face grow.

"I don't know." He breathed out. "We could record some one on one videos for our channels." Ryan nodded and stood to clear both his and Bryce's empty plates. "We should go to bed early tonight." Bryce said yawning.

"Well it's nearing eleven thirty so I wouldn't really call it early, but whatever you say babe." He said pulling Bryce out of his chair and towards the living room.

"I'll sleep on the couch tonight. I've already taken your bed too many times." Bryce said and Ryan paused before looking at him like he was crazy. "What?" Bryce asked wiping a hand over his face in case that was why he was being stared at. Ryan just moved closer until Bryce was pushed up against the wall of the hall. "Ry-Ryan." Bryce stuttered out.

"You're sleeping with me Brycey." Ryan chuckled pressing his lips to Bryce's in a soft kiss. "You really think that I would let you sleep alone after everything that happened today?" Bryce felt his face heat up again and a shock of excitement moved through his body. "Well?" Ryan pushed, as he moved his hips slightly forward so Bryce was completely pinned with no chance of escape. "Answer me." Ryan growled out. Bryce shrugged in response and Ryan sighed running his nose along the line of Bryce's jaw. "With your words Bryce." He snapped losing his patience quickly.

"W-well. I don't know." Bryce gasped out. Ryan sighed again and pulled him into the bedroom. Bryce climbed into the far side of the bed, happily choosing to sleep in his boxers and Ryan's shirt. Ryan stripped off the sweats and shirt that he was wearing and climbed into the bed after him. Bryce yawned again, realizing now just how tired he really was. He was usually exhausted after recording sessions anyway, and then there was... whatever happened between him and Ryan before supper.

"What are you thinking about cutie?" Ryan asked pulling Bryce's lip from between his teeth. Bryce blinked a few times, he wasn't sure how long he had been thinking, or even when he started to bite his lip. He didn't answer he just smiled up at Ryan before connecting their lips in a sweet kiss. He felt Ryan smile before the older man rested his hand on Bryce's cheek and deepened the kiss. "You're so beautiful." Ryan whispered against his lips.

"Stop it." Bryce groaned before Ryan connected their lips again.

"I. Can. Do. What. I. Wanna. Do." Ryan laughed placing a kiss to the younger man's lips between every word. "C'mere baby." He finally said as he pulled Bryce into his arms. "I'm glad that you got stuck here." Ryan whispered into the side of Bryce's neck. Bryce just hummed yawning again. His eyes were drooping and he knew that it wouldn't be long before he fell asleep.
. . . . . . .
"Bryce!" Delirious yelled as he threw down his forth draw four card of the game. "Why are you fuckin' me?" He let out a crazy laugh and Bryce just shook his head.

"You know why!" Bryce laughed into the mic "You know exactly why this is happening!" Bryce had drawn at least forty cards in just the two hours that they have been playing and things had just started to go his way.

"That's it. I'm switching this shit around." Luke laughed.

"No!" Ryan yelled and all four men laughed. Bryce smiled at his screen and the two draw two cards that he still had left. "Listen Bryce. You do not want to make me draw cards!" Ryan growled into his mic. Bryce felt a ripple of emotion run through his body and he was confused because he never felt anything like it before.

"Can you stack?" He asked and Ryan quickly answered 'yes'. "Okay then let's beat up cartoonz!" Bryce laughed as he threw down his draw two card and then Ryan threw down his.

"Nice try bitches!" Luke laughed. "This shit is going full circle!" Delirious let out one of his famous laughs and Bryce paused when it got to his turn.

"You don't." Ryan groaned out. "Bryce you don't have another."

"Oh but I do." Bryce laughed before hitting uno and throwing down the last draw two card. "Ten cards!" He laughed clutching his stomach as he laughed. "Ten!" Ryan groaned out some words that the other man couldn't make out before Bryce threw down his final card and won the game.
                    .  .  .  .  .  .

"Well fuck you Bryce." Ryan said slamming Bryce into the wall of the recording room. Bryce gasped at the little shock of pain he felt when he hit the wall, and then at the feeling of Ryan's lips instantly attacking his lips.

"No thanks." Bryce laughed and Ryan smirked down at him before grabbing him by the wrist and quickly pulling him down the hall and into his bedroom.

"Aw." Ryan smirked. "Look how cute you are thinking that what I said was a suggestion." Bryce laughed and pulled Ryan down on top of him before he connected their lips for another kiss.

*VERY LITTLE EDITING ACTUALLY HAPPENED! I really just wanted to get this up... so yah!*

((Sooo.... smutty chapter next?? 😁 That one will be actual smut though! Okay okay I will try to work out a better update schedule but it's hard because I am really sick right now! I'm realllllllyyyy sorry!! Thanks for all the reads and votes by the way!! You guys are amazing and I love you all!))

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