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"Now you have to stay in bed with me all day." Ryan whispered as Bryce started to stir awake. He only had a very mild concussion and the doctors said that he wouldn't have to worry about anything. They said that he would have a mild headache, but he wouldn't have any problems sleeping, or exercising. Bryce heard what the doctor said but he still hesitated when he thought about Ryan recording videos.

"I won't mind that any." Bryce smiled Ryan pulled the younger man to his chest and kissed the top of his head. He looked up through his lashes and smiled. "I'm glad you came. Even though I did try to kill you yesterday." Ryan laughed and he leaned down to press his lips to Bryce's.

"You can't get rid of me that easily, Brycey. I plan on sticking around for a least a little while longer." Bryce chuckled and smacked the older man's chest lightly. Bryce hummed and smiled up at the older man. "I love you." Ryan whispered kissing the top of Bryce's head.

"I love you." Bryce whispered back. "We should get out of bed though." Ryan pouted and Bryce laughed. "Are you hungry?" The younger man asked and the older shook his head. When Bryce was about to protest the older man cupped his face with one hand, and moved the other to grip his chin so he could pull their faces together.

Ryan let his lips lazily move against Bryce's and by the end of the kiss they both had a smile on their faces. "I'm really glad that I'm here." Ryan laughed and he moved so that he was easily covering up Bryce's body with his. Bryce let out a little yelp, but it was cut short when Ryan's lips once again claimed his. "Oh, but I'm even more glad that we are here." Ryan chuckled and Bryce shook his head.

"Stop it." Bryce laughed but there was no heat behind his words. He was swept away again when Ryan snaked a hand through his hair and pulled slightly so their lips crashed back together again. The younger man moaned and his hips bucked up seemingly on their own.

"Do you really want me to stop?" Ryan laughed. "It seems that this is the same conversation that we have every time we are about to do this." Bryce moaned as Ryan's lips moved down to that spot on his neck that the older man loved to torture. "Let it happen." Ryan growled out. "Let me help you." Bryce let his head fall back against the pillows giving up like he had almost every time before that the two of them had been in this position.

Ryan chuckled again and lightly pulled the hair that he had wrapped between his fingers.  He then moved to grip Bryce's waist before moving up to pull the younger man's shirt over his head. When his chest Was bare Bryce barely had time to feel the cool air before Ryan's body was back on his. This time the older man moved down his body and pressed kissed to wherever he came across. By the time Ryan made it down to where Bryce's skin was covered under the low hanging shorts, the man in question was wreathing all over the bed. The only thing holding him still was the firm hand that Ryan had planted on his stomach.

"Hold still." Ryan laughed out as Bryce bucked his hips up into his chest. Bryce panted a few words that Ryan didn't understand so the older man paused straightening out so he could look into Bryce's eyes. "What was that baby?" Ryan whispered pressing a small kiss to his cheek.

"I can't." Bryce whined out he wiggled again and Ryan slightly shifted so he was laying more on the bed than he was Bryce. He laughed and Bryce slapped his shoulder. "Stop it!"

"I can't" Ryan whined out mocking Bryce's voice from before. Bryce chuckled not really knowing whether to be mad or if he wanted to pull Ryan into another kiss. He didn't know what it was about the older man that drove him absolutely crazy in the best way possible. Bryce groaned out a word that Ryan couldn't understand as Ryan bit down on his lip. Another chuckle slipped through his lips when Bryce arched off the bed.

Ryan made his way down Bryce's body leaving bite marks as he went. When he reached the hem of Bryce's shorts he paused to look up at the younger man's face. Bryce's face was damp with sweat, and his hair was messed up between the combination of sleep and Ryan's hands. Ryan smirked as he sat back on his heels. "You know what?" He said scratching the back of his neck. "I think I will take that breakfast right about now." He moved the hand over his face and smiled.

"What?" Bryce gasped feeling short of breath and light headed as his mind tried to keep up with what was happening. "What?" He gasped out again. Ryan backed up and stood up from the bed. Bryce flew up into a sitting position and watched as Ryan turned back around to face him.

"You see, I'm a little hungry now. I think I will take that breakfast now." Bryce opened his mouth and shut it a few times as he shifted uncomfortably on the bed.

"Are you kidding me?" Bryce groaned as Ryan walked from the room. "Ryan!" Bryce yelled and sighed when the older man didn't come back. He shifted to the side of the bed and groaned as his shorts and underwear brushed against his lower parts. "Ryan! I hate you!" He heard the man in question laugh and he followed the sound into the kitchen.

By the time Bryce got to the kitchen Ryan was sliding a shirt on and slipping into some socks. Bryce looked at him and he shrugged. "So, I was thinking that I would treat you to breakfast today. Do you have something in mind? A favorite place?" Bryce glared at the older man and Ryan pretended not to notice. "I'll pay!" Brushing past Bryce to get his shoes. As he walked by he pressed a small kiss to his lips and left Bryce standing in the living room with a blush on his face.

((Oh gosh... It has been like a month.. I am so sorry! I have had graduation stuff going on! i hope you like it and I PROMISE that I will update again soon!!!!))

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