One Final Note

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Have you been on twitter lately?

The ship is sinking... Faster than the Titanic... (Too soon?) 

Anywayyyy... That is not what I was getting at, even though I do want to know why it bothered Ryan so much that Bryce was working out, an he did say that he was not one of the people who showed off to be a fitness model... OFF TOPIC...


I have been getting a lot of requests to write another BrOhm story, one of the longer ones like this one. 

And I have also been getting a lot of requests to write one paring Bryce with Swag_Dracula.... XD

Ummm... Just me giving the people what they want XD

So tell me here! Do you want to see another extended BrOhm story that will be about as long as this if not longer. Or the other with Drac? 

Comment and let me knoww!

One more thing! Thank you guys so much for all the support that you have given me over the course of this story. I know I say it a lot and you are probably sick of it, hell maybe you have even already stopped reading... Either way words can not describe how grateful I am for every single read, vote, and comment that you guys leave! Thank you for making this so much fun! Love ya guys!!


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