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Bryce sat straight up on the couch gasping for breath as the memory of his nightmare quickly faded back into his brain. He felt a sob rip through his throat that he didn't even know was there and found himself subconsciously reaching for his phone...

*  *  *  *  *

Ryan jumped when his music cut out and was replaced by the sound of his phone ringing. When his radio told him that it was Bryce calling he was happy that he took the time to pair his phone to his car's Bluetooth system before leaving. With one quick push of a button on the back of the steering wheel Ryan smiled and said a quick "hello?"

"Ryan?" The older man's smile vanished when his name was sobbed into the phone. He sat up straighter in his seat and had to focus all he could on the road in front of him so he did not veer off the side of the road. He was only like four or five hours into the long trip and he did not think he could handle thinking about Bryce suffering any longer. 

"Brycey? Baby, what's wrong?" Ryan asked his voice raising slightly without him meaning to. Bryce sobbed into the phone for a few moments before Ryan heard him mumble out a few words that he did not understand. "Baby, you are going to have to stop crying so I can understand what you are trying to say." He said the words slow and tried to comfort Bryce as best as he could over the phone. He wished for nothing more than to just be at the younger man's house so he could hold him. 

"I just needed to make sure-" Bryce cut himself off with another sob. "Where are you?" Ryan was confused but he decided to just play into what Bryce was saying. He figured that if Bryce was this upset about it, there must have been something going on. 

"I'm coming baby. I am on my way to you. Now what's wrong? Tell me what has you so upset." Bryce took a couple of deep breaths that echoed through the speakers before he was almost to the point where he was calmed down again.

"I-I just thought it was a dream." Bryce sighed out into the phone. "I thought you weren't coming." Ryan's heart broke again and he had lost count of how many times that had happened today. 

"I'm coming baby. Listen, go to your bed and make sure you are nice and warm. Go to sleep baby and I will be there before you even know it. Before you even wake up." Ryan shook his head because he doubted the words as he said them. He still had a long trip ahead of him, but the younger man also had not been sleeping so there was a good chance that if he actually went to sleep that we would be out for a while. 

He heard shifting on the other side of the phone and soon Bryce sighed and said that he was laying down. "Put the phone on speaker baby. I will talk to you until you fall asleep. Don't answer if you are too tired. I will just talk. 

*  *  *  *  *

Bryce smiled into his pillow as Ryan talked to him about anything and everything. His calm voice echoed through the living room and calmed him down to the point where he could barely keep his eyes open. As he felt himself falling to sleep he interrupted Ryan's steady words to whisper three words that he has been needing to say forever now.

"I love you."

"I love you too baby boy. Now go to sleep." Bryce finally let his eyes slip closed and he fell asleep with a small smile on his face.

((Holy God I updated when I said I would... On time?!? IS THE WORLD ENDING?!? Haha nah, all jokes aside this is just a small little filler chapter. I promise it will be better in the next one when Ryan is back at the house with Bryce... Soo yeah.. See you on Tuesday!! Also, don't forget to hop over and follow me if you haven't already! Love youu!))

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