Good boy?

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Bryce was barely paying any attention to the video game, most of his attention was still stuck on what he thought Ryan had said earlier. Well, more likely how what he had said made him feel. He was still on edge and he hadn't really figured out of it was a good thing or not. "You're dead again." Ryan sighed as he leaned back against the couch. They had only been playing for about fifteen minutes and he had died consistently about every three minutes. He glanced over at Ryan and felt his face heat up. 'Gosh, get yourself together Bryce.' He told himself.

"I'm just hungry." Bryce chuckled trying to push it off on something else. Ryan raised a brow at him and his stomach did the little flip thing that he found it doing a lot lately. He didn't know why, yeah Ryan was attractive. okay... He was very attractive, but Bryce knew that he still shouldn't be feeling this way about the older man.

"The pizza should be here soon." Ryan said like he was just brushing off the issue. He ditched the controller before reaching out to grab the remote from the small table in front of the couch. "We can eat and then maybe go out and see how the city is holding up under all of this snow. I need to pick up some things also. While you were sleeping I checked the weather, and it doesn't look like it will let up for about a week. Their thinking of declaring a state of emergency." Bryce looked up and met Ryan's eye.

"Which means?" He questioned not really getting where this whole conversation was going and how it involved him, besides that fact that he would be still stuck in Chicago until the snow stopped.

"Which means we have to stock up on all of the essentials! You know food, water, toilet paper." Ryan chuckled when Bryce rolled his eyes. "It's not far. Slip one of my coats on and we can walk. We can go in the morning." Bryce nodded and set his controller down on the couch as well.

"I'm just going to go hop in the shower really quick before the pizza gets here." Ryan nodded and pointed out that the better shower was in the back bathroom. Bryce stood up and, to prove the fact that the world hated him, tripped over the corner of the table and right into Ryan. "Sorry sorry." Bryce blushed pulling away.

He didn't wait to hear Ryan's response he just quickly walked from the room.
                    .  .  .  .  .  .

When Bryce got out of the shower he had completely made up his mind. He was not really sure what he had heard Ryan say, so he was just going to have to get Ryan to say it again. He also convinced himself that he didn't want to hear it again, he just wanted to make sure he heard it right.

When he made his way back to the living room Ryan was back to playing video games. He had a slice of pizza in one hand, and he was mashing buttons on the controller with the other hand. Bryce ran a hand through his damp hair and sat down on the couch beside Ryan. "Pizzas here." Ryan said passively as he continued to concentrate on the game. Bryce nodded and continued to watch the video game. "Eat." Ryan said taking the chance to glance over at the younger man.

"Okay." Bryce said. He figured that he shouldn't let the commands bother him, but rather play along to see how Ryan would react. When the game was over Ryan put the games away watched as Bryce took a slice of the pizza from the box. At first he shifted awkwardly under Ryan's stare but then he relaxed and started up small talk. "Did you win?" Bryce asked moving so he was facing Ryan with one of his legs tucked under him.

"Eat your food Bryce." Ryan said and Bryce brought the food to his mouth and took a bite before Ryan spoke again. "No, you were back I didn't need to pass time anymore." Bryce nodded continuing to chew his food. He didn't know what to say anymore, so he just sat back on the couch and continued to eat the pizza.

When the pizza was gone, and Bryce thought he was going to explode if he even though about food, both men just sat on the couch and enjoyed the silence. Bryce took a deep breath and groaned when he thought his stomach was about to blow. "That was too much pizza." Bryce groaned rubbing a hand across his stomach. Ryan made a noise of agreement before stretching his arms over his head.

"Well, it's only just after eleven. Do you want to play some video games? We can record some for your channel." Bryce shook his head as Ryan stood up.

"We play them all the time. Let's do something else." Bryce sighed

"Um, well I have some board games, cards, movies, and there is an all night strip club down the road that I'm sure is open." Bryce laughed at this, shaking his head again. "God damn you are difficult to please." Bryce tipped his head back and laughed thinking about just how wrong the older man really was. He also stood up and stretched before awkwardly rubbing a hand over the back of his neck. "What do you want to do Bryce?" Ryan asked only to get a shrug in answer.

"I guess we can play some board games. Do you have monopoly?" Bryce asked and when Ryan nodded he smirked, they were in for a good time.

((Hey sorry this one was a little shorter than the others... I'll try to update again later today! I am planning to add the smut into the story soon... soo this is the heads up! 😁 thanks so much for reading this you guys are the best!! Make sure you comment!))

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