Just a voice

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"There must have been a wreck up ahead." Ryan sighed as he rested his elbow against the window. They had only been in the car thirty minutes according to the clock, but Bryce felt as if it had been hours. He found himself shifting every few minutes and they were still at a stand still not even five hundred feet from the airport. He shifted again trying to bend his back into a better position, and he could feel Ryan's eyes on him. Bryce took the chance and glanced over and sure enough he met Ryan's eyes. "Are you okay Bryce?" The older man asked and Bryce simply nodded concentrating more on keeping himself from moving again rather than actually speaking.

After an hour in the car Bryce was becoming restless. He was now shifting to a new position almost constantly and they had barely made it a mile down the road. They had just shifted up inches when they were stopped again and Bryce felt like he could scream. Ryan had watched his every move and he could tell that the older man was getting fed up will all of the shifting around. "Are you tired? How about you try for some sleep? I will wake you up when we make it back to the house."

"Yeah. Okay." Bryce sighed before moving once more to try to rest his head against the window. It was there that he stayed, still very uncomfortable, staring at the lights as they slowly creeped by. He shut his eyes for short periods of time before opening them again, only to repeat this process too many times to count. He hadn't stopped his shifting and it seemed that this position had not helped anything. Bryce stilled however when he felt a strong hand gripping the back of his neck. He didn't move or breathe in anticipation for what was to come. The hand pressed to his neck seemed to send shocks through his skin. He had dreams about the other mans touch more times than he would like to admit, but the real thing seemed to be much more rough and demanding than he would have thought.

When Ryan did speak his voice was low and almost growl like. Bryce felt a shiver go up his spine as it reached his ears. "If you don't stop your fidgeting, I am going to park this car, go to the trunk for some rope, and tie you to that seat so tight that we will have to cut you out when I finally get us home." Bryce's stomach flipped in a nervous/excitement type of way. It wasn't the threat that made this feeling come along, but the way that it had been said. The hand stayed on the back of his neck a few more seconds before it released, but not before a gentle squeeze to further the older mans point. "Turn around right." Ryan threw in and Bryce slowly did as he was told. He didn't know why he didn't just throw in some witty comeback like he did while they were playing games, but something about the tone of Ryan's command made him react in a way he had never thought he could. It was just a voice...

When Bryce was back to facing forward he readjusted his seatbelt before concentrating all of his will on staying completely still. This lasted all but ten minutes before he groaned and let his head fall back against the headrest. Ryan simply looked over with a raised brow and Bryce pulled a face before running a hand through his hair. "My back hurts..." Bryce complained "and I can't stretch my legs." Ryan chuckled at that and shook his head.

"We are almost there. I can see the building from here. I would park here and walk us both there, but you didn't bring a coat. And it's not far but you are asking for sickness if you go out into the Chicago weather with no coat this time of year." All Bryce could do was nod and shift again. He went back to his regular shifting pattern after that but he stilled when Ryan growled and made an impossible turn into a parallel park so perfect that drivers ed teachers around the world would be drooling if they had witnessed it.

Bryce blinked rapidly as he felt Ryan undo his seatbelt, and then Heard him unclip his own. Bryce was about to ask what was up when Ryan tossed his coat at the younger man and growled out a low "Put it on." Before getting out of the car.

((Okay before I go on and get all of the comments saying "Bryce is taller, and Bryce is 6 foot 3" HE IS NOT IN THIS FIC! Soo haha yeah... back to the story!))

Bryce was very confused as he slid the slightly too big jacket over his shoulders. When he had it halfway zipped up his door was opened and he was hit with a wall of freezing air. He felt the cold rip through him as if he was nothing and a hand reached in and helped him from the car and over the mound of snow before his feet hit the freshly shoveled sidewalk. The snow was still coming down in thick sheets of white and not being used to the ice and snow Bryce slipped before Ryan steadied him with the same tight grip on the back of his neck. Ryan instantly started walking again and Bryce stumbled a little bit as he struggled to keep up.

"Ryan." Bryce gasped out as he finally matched steps with the older man. "What-ah-what are you doing." Ryan shifted so Bryce was walking right at his side now. There were very few people on the street because of the time, seeing as it was well passed two in the morning by now, so they didn't have any trouble making it to the lobby of Ryan's building in about three minutes.

"Taking you home. You're lucky I didn't just tie you to that damn seat." Bryce shivered again but this time it wasn't from the cold outside, but because of the way Ryan breathed the words into his ear as they waited for the elevator. When the elevator doors finally arrived Bryce was lightly pushed inside and he stopped when he reached the back.

"Are you cold?" Bryce asked as he peeked up through his lashes at the older man. Ryan glanced at him quickly before pushing the button for his floor.

"Are you cold?" Ryan asked without answering his question. Bryce felt a surge of annoyance but shook his head anyway. "Come. You can sleep on the bed tonight. I will sleep on the couch."

Part of Bryce wanted to protest but there was something in the way Ryan talked that made him want to just listen. Bryce let his head drop a little and he just nodded yawning again. He blamed the whole thing on being tired, and he promised himself that tomorrow he would be back to normal.

((More coming soon!))

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