Me too <3

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"Bryce." Ryan whispered poking the man in question on the cheek. "Bryce! Wake up!" His voice got a little louder but he was still not quite over a whisper. The other guys had texted almost twenty times now and Ryan needed to wake Bryce up so they could eat something and then reply before they were kicked out of the gaming round. "Bryce if you don't wake up right now I swear to God I will drag you right out of the house!" The younger man didn't do anything but snuggle further into Ryan's side.

"Shh." Bryce mumbled and Ryan smiled down at him rubbing a hand through his messed up hair. He pressed a kiss onto the top of the sleeping boys head, and then ran kisses down his cheek. When he reached the younger man's lips he shifted so he was lying on top of Bryce. At this point Bryce is more aware of what is happening so he reached up and tangled his hands through Ryan's hair again. "What time is it?" Bryce mumbled against Ryan's lips. He pulled back a little to yawn and then moved to rest his head against the shoulder.

"It's almost nine thirty. John and Luke have been messaging and they want to play some Golf. I told them to give us about an hour and that we would be on. You need some food Brycey. So get your cute little ass out of this bed and and come eat some food." Bryce yawned again and then smiled up at Ryan slapping his shoulder lightly.

"Okay. I can make something if you want." Bryce said lightly pushing Ryan off of him so he could sit up. He reached over the bed and grabbed a pair of shorts off of the floor and slid them on before standing up from the bed. He stretched his hands over his head and then rubbed a hand over his face. "Anything you want?" He asked turning around to see Ryan pulling a pair of sweat pants.

"You make it I'll eat it." Ryan smiled walking over to press one more kiss to Bryce's lips.

"Okay. Then we will have burgers and rice. Sound good?" He asked slipping a shirt on over his head.

"Of course." Ryan said rubbing a hand over his bare stomach. "We have to hurry though." Bryce nodded moving passed Ryan and out the door to practically run into the kitchen. "I was kidding Brycey but holy shit." He jogged into the kitchen after Bryce and found him sliding ingredients onto the island beside the cookies. Moving to stand in front of him he reached down and broke a piece of cookie off and plopped it into his mouth.

"Stop it. I'm making dinner!" Bryce sighed looking up at the older man fondly. He moved all of the cookies over onto the other counter as he started to form the ground beef into patties for their burgers.

"Is there any way that I can help?" The older man asked moving slightly to the side trying to test how close he could get before the other man knew he was going for the cookies again. Bryce looked up to his face again as if he were trying to judge whether he was being serious or not.

"Sure. You want to make the rice?" He asked and Ryan nodded picking up the small box and flipping it over to the side that had all of the instructions. "Are you sure you want to so it?" Bryce asked, and sure Ryan has admitted to be the type of person to try to boil water, and then burn the whole block down. However, he was slowly getting better and he wanted to cook for Bryce, so he was going to give it a try.

"Sure, but one question first." He looked over at the younger man and waited until he was looking at him to ask. "Where are your fire extinguishers?" Bryce's mouth dropped open and Ryan's head tipped back in a laugh. "I'm kidding! I'm kidding!"  Bryce shook his head slowly as Ryan walked and started searching through the cupboards for a pan to make the rice in. 

"I don't know what I am going to do with you." Bryce sighed as he put the patties on the plate and carried them out the back door the the grill that he had. "I'm just going to be out here, yell if you need anything. Okay?" Bryce called through the screen door. 

"Of course baby, don't you worry about anything!" Ryan laughed and Bryce blushed at the pet name. About fifteen minutes later Bryce walked into the kitchen to get a clean plate to put the burgers on. When he got to the hall he stopped and rested against the wall and watched Ryan as he danced around the kitchen adding stuff and stirring the rice. 

"Uh, Ry?" Bryce laughed as he moved back from the wall and walked into the kitchen to get what he came in for in the first place. "Let's not play with the food because we have to record in a few minutes, that's why you woke me up. Remember?" Bryce laughed when Ryan turned around and smirked at him. 

"Oh yeah, but it could also be for the fact that it was six thirty and you should have never been asleep in the first place." Bryce fake glared and Ryan laughed again. "I will also take the blame for that. I can just be too much to handle some times." After he said this he ran a hand from his chest to the line where his shorts were hanging low on his hips. 

"Oh be quiet." Bryce laughed and rushed back out onto the back porch to get the burgers before they were burned. When he made his was back into the house Ryan was loading rice onto two plates. Bryce went to the counter and got buns as Ryan searched the fridge for ketchup, an after everything was loaded onto the table both boy's sat down as well. 

                                                                      *  *  *  *  *  *

"It's about damn time!" Delirious yelled into his mic and Bryce winced at the volume quickly moving to adjust the volumes for his video. "You two just need to hurry up and fuckin' move in together." Bryce blushed and could only imagine how Ryan's face looked in the other room.

"All right guys today we are going to be playing some Uno!" Ryan started rattling off his intro and Bryce could only sigh and smile as he was alerted that he had gotten a text.

Ohmie: I love you

Brycey: Me too <3

((Okay people! I know I updated pretty quickly this time, please don't have a heart attack!! XD This is just a filler chapter so it wasn't very good but I promise that it will get better! I hope everyone who celebrates had a great Easter, and if you don't, I hope you had a great Sunday! I will try to update again soon, but I have no idea how crazy my schedule will be!))

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