Come Home

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Hello world hope you're listening. Forgive me if I'm young, for speaking out of turn...

Bryce had listened to the message that Ryan had left about a hundred times, and he still found himself questioning what he meant by the seemingly cryptic message. The way that Ryan had insisted that he loved him, and then just left it off at goodbye. With shaking hands he typed in Ryan's number and then felt a sob rip through his throat when it went straight to voicemail. He quickly clicked off the call because he didn't think he would be able to talk without it sounding like a sobbing mess. He felt like all of his hope was lost due to his inability to answer a freaking message. He wondered if it would have been different if he would have at least sent the flip off emoji to the older man. At least then Ryan would at least know that Bryce had not just blocked his number or something. 

There's someone I've been missing. I think that they could be, the better half of me...

Bryce found himself not really being able to function after he had listened to the message. He had pulled away from recording and Minx had to message him three times before he actually managed to pull himself to his computer and sign on. Even through their whole game he was distant and the other guys had mentioned it, but once again Bryce brushed it off as not really feeling well. After they had all said goodbye Bryce dragged himself back to the living room and slides down onto the couch. He has not eaten in about two days and he was starting to feel it. He was tired, but every time he slept he woke in yet another nightmare about something stupid. 

They're in the wrong place trying to make it right, and I'm tired of justifying...

The younger man kept trying to tell himself that maybe it wad for the better, and that Ryan may have just been sleeping when he tried to call. He found himself reaching for his cellphone and clutched it close to his chest as another sob ripped through. He blinked his eyes quickly as he tried to actually see the phone screen. Eventually when the phone screen came into view he saw a new text message. He almost jumped out of his skin when he saw that it was a text from Ryan. It was simple and to the point, but it made the younger man feel a lot better about himself. "You Okay?" Bryce read the message out loud a few times before he shook his head and clutched the phone to his chest. 

So I say to you, come home. Come home. 'Cuz I've been waiting for you for so long, so long...

With shaking fingers Bryce typed a quick "no" into the chat and sent it before he could even think about what may happen when the older man reads it. He did not want to think about it either. He just threw his phone over to the other couch and pulled the blanket down over him. He shut his eyes even though he knew that he was not going to sleep. He just wanted the security in knowing that he could go to sleep if he wanted to. The younger man jumped when his phone buzzed on the other couch and he wanted to jump up to check it, but he also wanted to sink down into the couch so he could not see anything that might possibly hurt him even more. He was scared that Ryan had watched his last video because he had barely edited anything, and in it he may have let slip that he hadn't been eating, or sleeping for that matter. He brushed it off as being sick, but in all reality the thought of eating made him want to throw up. 

And right now there's a war between the vanities, but all I see is you and me...

Finally he decided to crawl off of the couch and he walked over to check his phone. After he scrolled through all of his twitter notifications he got to the bottom  where the text message was. He looked down at the phone and almost started crying again when he read the message.

 "Why haven't you been eating?" ~Ryan

Bryce did not know what to do so he just opened up the message and stared blankly at the screen. His fingers ghosted over the screen as he thought of what to say. Finally he typed out an excuse that had been working for everyone else.

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