Of backrubs and hookjobs

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Bryce woke up the next morning to the wonderful smell of bacon being made. He shifted slightly in the bed before his eyes flew open. He lived alone. Who was in his house making bacon? When Bryce sat up and looked around the room everything came flooding back in. The storm. The flights being canceled. Ryan. Bryce slid out of the warm covers and followed the smell of bacon down the hall and into the kitchen.

"I was just about to come wake you." Ryan said without turning around. Bryce yawned again and put his head down on the island.

"I'm awake." He said but his voice broke with another yawn.

"Sure you are." Ryan laughed as he set two plates of food on the island and slid into the seat across from him. "Coffee?" Ryan asked moving to the cupboard to grab two mugs. He heard an inaudible noise from Bryce so he filled both of the cups up and set them on the table as well. Bryce had been lazily chewing on a piece of bacon before Ryan had stolen his attention back to the seat across from him. "It's still pretty bad out there." He sighed as he stared out the window. Bryce followed his gaze and sure enough the snow was still piling down just as bad as it had been last night.

"Dang." Bryce whispered as he picked at the eggs that were on his plate. "This is crazy. Maybe I should have waited for the through flight. Then I wouldn't have been stuck here." Bryce sighed and a look of hurt flashed across Ryan's face. "Not that I don't want to be here with you. It's just that it would be nice to be home. I have been away for a while." Ryan nodded as he focused on his food instead of the red faced rambling boy sitting in front of him. After a while of silence between them Bryce became uneasy, and then as if the devil himself had been sent to torture him, when he shifted a little, a sharp pain ripped through his back. Bryce stilled before snapping back to his original position only to find that every time he moved, or even stood still, there was an ache. Bryce finished his plate of food trying his hardest to stay still, but of course it doesn't work out for him.

When Ryan stood to dump their plates Bryce put his head back down on the counter to search for relief. He was finally staying perfectly still, but that was ruined when he jumped at the feeling of two hands pressed against his back. "Shh, Brycey I've got you." Ryan breathed and Bryce stilled only to have pain shoot through his back again. Bryce felt his face heat up as Ryan ghosted his fingers over his back. Bryce gasped when Ryan pressed his hands into his lower back.

"Oh my gosh Ryan." Bryce groaned and the older man just chuckled continuing to give Bryce a back rub.

"I'm sick and tired of you complaining all of time time." Ryan chuckled Bryce just groaned again relaxing even more, letting his head fully rest on his arms. "And I know a few things about people having sore mussels after their in my bed for a night, if you know what I mean." Ryan laughed breathing the words right into Bryce's ear. Bryce felt a warm wave roll through him but he just brushed it off.

"Maybe you should get a new bed then if it's that uncomfortable." He shot back and Ryan chuckled again. He felt the older mans hands wander down by his sides and he shivered slightly. Then he felt the warm heat of Ryan's body as he leaned over him to whisper right into Bryce's ear.

"Ya think so?" Ryan asked dropping his voice an octave lower. "But we haven't even tried it out yet." Bryce felt another shiver rip through him and Ryan pulled both of his hands back.

He kept his head down on his arms as he heard Ryan make his way back over to his seat before sipping his coffee. "Feeling better?" Ryan asked and Bryce took that moment to sit up, praying that his face was not too red. Ryan's eyes were trained to his face when Bryce looked him in the eyes.

"Y-yeah." Bryce stuttered. "Thanks."

"You're welcome." Ryan said just as Bryce's phone buzzed. He pulled it out quickly opening up a message from Delirious.

Del: Good morning bitch! Let's play some Dead by Daylight!

B: Yeah, that might be a problem.

When Bryce looked up Ryan was on his phone as well. "I've got an extra computer we can do split screen recording and have two mics hooked to the servers." Ryan said "we just have to stay pretty close. I have some headphones that have a mic. You can take the set up mic. Tell him you will play and let's go." Ryan said as he motioned to Bryce to hurry.

((I don't know if split screen is a thing... but it is now!!))

B: yeah let's do it.

Del: It's about damn time!

Bryce chuckled at his phone and then got up to follow Ryan into his recording room. Bryce stood and watched as Ryan hurried around the room to get things ready. Next he set up the little barricade he had bought when Ritz had stayed to prevent the echo of their voices because they were recording in the same room.
                         . . . . . .

"Oh come on!!" Bryce groaned into the mic. "Delirious! You better get me off of here. I did this for you!" Bryce smashed buttons on the keyboard as he tried to stop his character from dying. "CaRtOoNz? Ohm? Anyone!!" Bryce groaned as the hooks closed in and his screen announced that he had died. He hit speculate just in time to see Delirious jump through the hatch. "Woooow Delirious. Way to just kill me off there." Bryce sighed.

After they had all said their goodbyes Bryce checked the time seeing that it was a little after two. He leaned back in the chair and stretched noting happily that his back did not hurt. He watched as Ryan stood and stretched, and when he did he let his eyes linger on the small patch of skin that showed when Ryan lifted his arms. "So, you wanna watch a movie or..." Ryan trailed off setting all of the recording stuff off to the side.

"Sure." Bryce said barely holding back a yawn. Ryan just nodded and for the second time that day Bryce followed Ryan into his bedroom.

((I'm sorry.. I know it sucks... better chapters will come I promise!! Thanks for reading and in the words of Bryce "I love your face!" Make sure you comment and tell me what you like/don't like and I will try to fix it or build off on what you do like!))

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