Go ahead and try

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"Don't you do it! Bryce no!" Ryan growled out as Bryce landed on the spot for the boardwalk. "You've already bought all of the power houses on the board! You've been fucking me the whole game! It's my turn to fuck you!" Bryce just laughed and made a big deal of counting out the money and throwing it at Ryan to put in the 'bank'. "Bryce~!" Ryan groaned and Bryce grabbed his stomach as he bent over laughing too hard.

"Y-yo-you wish!" Bryce gasped out and Ryan pouted throwing the card at Bryce and then took care of the money.

"Almost everywhere I move I will be paying you now!" Ryan was having the worst luck you could possibly have in the game of monopoly. He's had to pay his way out of jail more times than he has been around the board, and almost every roll he has had to pay Bryce! How the younger man was so good at this game was way beyond his understanding! Ryan still took his chances and rolled the die and sure enough he was trapped in another one of Bryce's stops that had a hotel. "Fuck me!" Ryan yelled smashing a hand to his forehead.

"No thanks, that's not really my thing." Bryce replied cockily. "Now pay up!" He laughed as Ryan groaned again.

"You're going to make me broke! This is not the way that I pictured it happening!" Ryan laughed. When he counted out the money that he owed Bryce he barely had fifty dollars to his name. "Brycey! I need money." Ryan complained. He looked over and saw the younger man smirking.

"I don't know. Maybe I could have some work for the peasants in the game to do." Bryce smirked and Ryan's grin turned to one of a lion stalking his prey. "How good are you at manual labor? I have some pretty heavy boards that need lifted." Bryce laughed

"I'm more of a hold them down type of guy." Ryan smirked and Bryce's face hinted red at the remark. He wouldn't have thought anything of it, but it was Ryan. What came out of his mouth that wasn't meant to be taken dirty?

"Um... and then you can finish pounding in the nails to finish the new hotel that I'm about to build on the boardwalk and park place!" Bryce laughed and Ryan's face faltered for just a moment. He knew that if he let the game go on he would lose, and if he were to lose the game he would never hear the end of it. "Earth to Ryan!" Bryce laughed

"Oh I'll pound something alright!" Ryan smirked and Bryce again lost his confidence as his face switched to a shade of red that Ryan liked a little more than he would ever admit. "As for the hotels, I really don't think you want to put them up do you Brycey~?" Ryan asked leaning forward over the board a little to prove his point.

"Oh but I really really do Ry." Bryce laughed out and lightly hit Ryan in the face with the money he was holding. Ryan grumbled under his breath and took the money before grabbing Bryce's wrist and slapping the two hotels into his open palm. He looked up and met eyes with Bryce, and Bryce felt his cheeks burn a slight red again. He silently cursed himself for the way that he got so nervous around the other man. Right now; however, he did have a task at hand. "I'm gonna need my hand to beat you." Bryce giggled out.

"Isn't it a little early for spanking Brycey? I mean you've only been here for one day." Bryce couldn't completely wrap his head around what Ryan had just said, but his wrist was released anyway. He knew the look on his face resembled that of a confused puppy. His head was slightly cocked to the right and his eyes were squinted. "Never done it?" Ryan smirked and Bryce didn't know what to do anymore. "Well, if you put those hotels down you will find out. You can win without them you just want to fuck me even more!" Ryan's domination tone faulted at the end and went back to his normal tone.

"Let's just look at the board here Ryan." Bryce smirked, he tried to act like Ryan's joke was not affecting him but really his stomach was on a non existent roller coaster. "Welcome to the McQuaid Empire. Now, does it really matter if I have just two more? Yes! Yes it does because my empire shall not be complete without them! These two squares only have houses! They need something better!" Bryce laughed flashing the hotels in front of the older man's face before removing the houses and positioning them perfectly in the middle of the squares.
                    .  .  .  .  .
"That's it!" Ryan said and pushed his chair to stand up. He wasn't even sure what he was going to do, he couldn't really spank Bryce... could he? He was trapped in his thoughts for a moment. Surely Bryce wouldn't be in the same fucked up mindset he was in. But when he heard a noise his eyes focused back on the younger man he was standing up as well with a wild glint in his eyes.
              .  .  .  .  .

Bryce had no clue what he was doing. He was looking at the predatory look on Ryan's face and if his stomach wasn't already up in his throat he was sure that it would have jumped even further. "Go ahead and try." Bryce said snapping Ryan out of his thoughts before he stalked forward. Before Ryan had made it three steps Bryce took off. He laughed as he made a mad dash towards the couch, which he dove behind for cover. 

"Oh Brycey~!" Ryan called and Bryce giggled jumping up to make his was down the hall. "Bad choice to run there Brycey-poo." Ryan laughed and Bryce spared a glance behind him only to get slammed to the ground. When his world stopped spinning and his eyes finally focused he realized that he was pinned to the floor while Ryan held both of his hands above his head. "Gotcha." Ryan smirked.

"Okay okay, you win." Bryce said trying to wiggle out of the older man's grip, but all that did was make Ryan tighten his grip. Bryce sighed when he realized that he was stuck. The only way he was getting up now was if Ryan wanted him to. He did attempt to get loose one more time, bucking his hips up as he tried to wiggle his wrists out of Ryan's grip.

"Stop struggling Brycey." Ryan said as he twisted his body so he was almost completely laying on top of the younger man. Bryce sighed again and admitted defeat as he went completely lax under the older man. "Good boy." Ryan whispered right into his ear and Bryce stilled. He got a little light headed and didn't know what it was that he was feeling. Ryan must have saw the dazed look on his face because he leaned impossibly closer and spoke again. "You like being called a 'good boy' Brycey?"

Bryce just blinked not sure of what to say. Ryan's smirk returned to his face as both men just stared at each other for a minute. "I-I uh.." Bryce stuttered out.

"Sh, Brycey. I've got you." Ryan whispered, and took the biggest chance of his life by moving his face down further to connect his mouth with Bryce's.

((Welp... so I didn't get this up yesterday... Sorry I just didn't finish in time... 😁 I will try again to update today but life is crazy! Thanks for all the reads and votes!! I love reading all of the comments you leave! You guys are the best!! Make sure you comment and tell me what you think! 😁😁))

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