We Will Be Okay

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The next few days passed very similarly to their first days together when Bryce was staying with Ryan after finally being able to leave the airport. They all blurred together in a mix of movies, food, and gentle touches just to make sure that they really were together and it was not just their minds playing a horrible sick joke. Although they were starting to fall back into their normal routine there was still an unspoken barrier between them. A barrier that made Ryan hesitate and back off whenever he suddenly got the urge to kiss the younger man. However, it was that same barrier that made Ryan want to keep Bryce closer to him than he ever felt the need to before. He did not want to pressure Bryce back into what they had before, but he also did not want to back off and loser him for good. It was a game of vicious circles that he did not know if they would win. 

Ryan was currently in the kitchen making some breakfast for Bryce and himself.  He had made it a habit to get up a little earlier than Bryce so he could have breakfast when he got up. He also made it a point to make sure Bryce was eating more than he probably needed throughout the day. If the younger man had noticed he did not say anything, so Ryan did not stop. Even when he often gave Bryce much more food than he could actually finish. If it were not for the small lingering touched throughout the day Ryan would have thought that they had fallen back into how they acted before they really knew each other at all. They had those awkward meet ups where all of them would go for a weekend or something, and thinking about it now he smiled about how awkward they both had been around each other. 

When he started thinking like this he could not help but wonder if they would ever be the same. When he finally got to thee point where his thoughts were about to send him into a panic he was interrupted when Bryce came strolling into the room mid-yawn. "Morning." The younger man mumbled sitting down on one of the stools in the kitchen. He yawned and Ryan could not help but smile at him. 

"Good morning. Breakfast will be ready in a few." Bryce nodded and bent down so he could rest his head in his arms. The older man let his eyes wander down the bare skin of Bryce's back as he weighed the options of he wanted to do. Giving up and throwing all of the bad things that could happen out the window as he set the wooden spoon down in his hand. He could not bring himself to stop as he walked over to the other side of the table and moved so he could press his hands lightly against Bryce's back. 

He felt Bryce sigh an relax as his hands worked over his back. He worked out all of the tight muscles and smiled as he thought through all of the events that led them to this point. It was crazy to think that this was the same way that he had started this whole thing. A simple back-rub started this all and at what he thought was the very en here he was. He could not help the laugh that bubbled out of his chest thinking about all of this. He did not know know what was funny. Maybe he was just going crazy, and he would stand by that point if anyone questioned his actions. Soon he was laughing so hard that he pulled his hands back and Bryce sat up and turned around to make sure that the older man was okay. 

"Ryan?" Bryce asked taking a small step forward before he stopped reaching out slightly , but not enough to touch the older man. "What is so funny?" He was cut off though when the older man pulled him into his chest, and their lips met in a desperate kiss. They were both breathless when they pulled back so neither of them passed out. 

"I love you." Ryan said and when Bryce tried to say something he just shook his head. "Please just listen to me really quick.  I love you, I loved you the first fucking time that I met you at the convention- maybe even before that. Maybe it started when we played that first game together. Don't you get it Brycey?" he giggled out and Bryce's face flashed to one of confusion. "We are back where we started. Now, it is a different kitchen, state really... But it is the same. WE are the same. I- I can't lose you. I love you! Please, please..." The older man trailed off at the end tears dripping down both of their faces as they held each other. 

"I love you too." Bryce sobbed into his neck "Don't worry." He said moving back just enough so they could look into each other's eyes. "Don't worry Ry. It will be okay. I promise. We will be okay..." They met in the middle for on more sweet kiss that ended in two smiles.

And even though neither man knew it at the that point they actually would. And this moment, as they looked into each other's eyes trying to memorize everything about the other person, they did not know that this would just be one of the thousands of memories that they would pass on to two beautiful little girls who loved to sit cross legged on the living room floor and play video games with their dads. Adorable twin girls who had to fight just as hard as they did to stay together in a world that was set on keeping them apart. 

An that is where they will stay, long after they have taken their last breaths together, long after they had said goodbye to YouTube, to conventions, and cross country plane rides to parties. They will stay mirrored in the eyes of two scared little girls who grew up listening about a time when two very different people met and fell in love. About a time when those two boys lost and fought for each other over and over again. 

For now they will someday be able to tell their children what happens When Fire Meets Ice...

((I wrote this on the plane... I am in London now... And this story is completed... <3))

(((Comment and tell me what you thought of it... I did not know what I was doing but I sat by this pretty cool person on the plane who asked me if they could read it... I was very awkward and did not want to show this old lady my notebook that I had the whole story written out in... But she would not take no for an answer. So, I showed it to her and she told me that my fathers must have had a wonderful life, and I was so lucky to have had them for as long as I did... I told her she didn't even know how lucky I was that I stumbled upon two boys who loved video games... They have changed my life for the better and I had such a wonderful time writing this story. So thank you for reading you have been absolutely amazing!! I love you all! XD)))

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