New beginnings

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By the time Bryce woke up the afternoon sunlight was streaming through his window casting a nice warm glow across his messy floor. He vaguely remembered climbing the stairs and falling into bed before crying himself to sleep remembering the calming tone in Ryan's voice. Bryce yawned slowly rolling out of bed before stretching his hands over his head. He looked at the empty glass on the stand beside the bed and silently grabbed it. He looked down at his outfit. He was still in Ryan's white shirt, but he had gotten rid of the sweats so all he was wearing under it was his boxers. 

He stilled when he heard something hit the ground in the direction of the living room. He moved slowly down the hall with the cup still gripped in his hand when he slowly made his way down the stairs. When he made it to the living room he dropped the cup and flinched as it shattered on the floor. Ryan gasped when he turned around about the same time as the younger man was flinching away from the flying glass.  "Bryce?" Ryan questioned not sure if he should move closer to make sure the younger man was alright or just stay where he was. 

"W-what? How? When did you get here? How long was I sleeping? What are you doing?" Bryce stuttered out as he moved to the other side of the couch to escape the glass. When he made it he saw Ryan let his eyes trail down his body and the younger man blushed realizing that he was still dressed in just Ryan's shirt. 

Ryan made a pained noise in the back of his throat and had to fight the urge to throw himself at Bryce. They had been apart for far too long, and when he finally showed back up the younger man was in nothing but his shirt and an old pair of boxers. "Sit." He said gesturing to the couch. "I am going to clean that up and then we can eat. I brought Chinese." Bryce looked up at him through his lashes and then nodded sitting down on the couch. The older man rushed through the house and quickly cleaned up the mess before grabbing Bryce and himself a water bottle from the fridge. "Alright." He sighed as he moved back to the couch. He resisted the urge to sit directly beside Bryce and left a cushion between them as he sat down. 

"Thanks for the food." Bryce said taking a container, a fork, and the bottle of water from the older man. Ryan just nodded trying not to get wrapped up in the fact that this was different than how it was before. "I'm sor-" Bryce started but the older man cut him off. 

"Don't." Was all he said and the room fell into the same silence that Bryce had grown to hate over the past few weeks. "Don't say sorry." Ryan finally sighed setting his food down on the table rubbing his stomach slightly. "You should not be sorry. It was my fault." Bryce did not say anything even though he disagreed he did not want to say something that might hurt some one else. "Do you want to watch a movie or something?" Ryan asked and Bryce nodded bowing his head down as Ryan stood up to get the remote to hide the small smile on his face.

*  *  *  *  * 

Halfway through the show that they settled on Bryce was spread out over the couch with his feet rested in Ryan's lap. The older man was lazily rubbing his feet pulling Bryce's full attention to him forgetting all about the movie. He had pulled his shirt up so he could rub his stomach. He was stuffed. Bryce had eaten all of his food and then Ryan handed him what was left of his with a small smile. The younger man let his eyes travel over Ryan's face before he sighed. Ryan's gaze flickered from the movie to him for a moment before he focused back on the movie. 

"So, I am not sure if I want Oliver to wake up and just get together with Felicity already, or if he should steal Roy from his sister." The older man did not move his eyes from the show as he said this and Bryce just chuckled not knowing if he was serious. 

"I think Oliver and John are my otp." Ryan let his head fall back in a laugh and Bryce smiled. After a few more episodes and a lot of joking around the somehow shifted so Ryan was laying on the couch, and Bryce was practically on top of him. They were still playing the show but their conversation had shifted from that to anything that crossed their mind. 

They talked about Ryan's drive, the weird looks he got carrying all of the food out, the way that it had rained almost nonstop the past week, and then how it was supposed to clear up. They talked about videos they had to record, much needed vacations, and then about Bryce's new favorite song that he could not get out of his head. The lazy touches that Ryan was leaving all over Bryce changed into a firm arm wrapped around his waist. 

After about two hours the show had been completely forgotten. Bryce was mumbling about how Peter chose to name his suit Karen ((Oops.. Spiderman spoilers... Close your eyes!!)) and how he never got the girl so it could not even count as a good movie. Ryan chuckled agreeing with what the man had to say. He yawned and Bryce followed not too long after. "It was a long drive." Ryan sighed again. Bryce just hummed in agreement his hair brushing over the place where he had his head resting on the older man's shoulder. "Tired?" He asked and Bryce again just made a noise of approval. "Then lets sleep." He said through another yawn. 

Bryce pulled the blanket down over them and smiled up at Ryan. There was no denying that something between them had changed. Ryan was careful with him now. Walking around on his tiptoes as not to upset the younger man. He did not have time to think about where they were going from here. He did not have time to think about if what happened can ever be fixed. All Bryce could think about was how great it felt to be back in Ryan's arms.

How great it felt to have a new beginning...

((Wow... Okay.. I just watched something soo sad.. Now I kinda just want to delete everything and vent out all of that frustration... But its done so I am going to post it before the dumb thing deletes itself again... Twice... Kill me.. XD I'm just gonna go cry now... Enjoy.. XD XD))

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