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After school I arrive home to see Kieran's parents, Sarah and Tom on the doorstep about to knock. "Um hi Mr and Mrs Paul, can I help you?" I ask them.

"Ah Jess, just the girl we were looking for." Tom says.

"Should I be worried?" I laugh.

"We were wondering if you could look after Kieran for a while?" Sarah asks.

"You should come inside." I sigh, opening the door, they follow me inside. "Can I get you two anything to drink?"

"No thank you Jessica, we shall not be staying long." Sarah replies, sitting on the couch with her husband, I sit on the armchair opposite them.

"Sarah and I are going on a business trip, out of town for a couple months." Tom says. "Now we know Kieran is half a year older than you but mentally your over double his age."

"Um thanks." I say.

"As you know Kieran is quite hard to handle but we think you can manage and of corse we will pay you well." Sarah offers.

"So you want me to babysit your son?" I question.

"Pretty much." She replies. "It's just for a few months."

"A few months?" I gasp.

"We will pay you fifty dollars a day." Tom says.

"Just to look after Kieran? That's almost enough for my university by the end of the months!" I exclaim.

"Well you know he's quiet the handful." Sarah laughs.

"I'll do it." I reply.

"Thank you. We leave tonight." Sarah says.

"Now we'll need you to keep him out of trouble at all costs we don't won't to come back to a house on fire and an son in jail, we've had that once before and never again." Tom explains.

"You can count on me sir." I smile.

"Well call and confirm it with your parents and leave it to us to tell Kieran." Sarah smiles as the two stand up. I shake their hands and they leave.

I calculate the money I'll earn and I total up almost $3,000.

* * * * * *

My parents are both at work right now so I have the house to myself. I sit and watch a movie, snuggling up in my blankets.

* * * * * *

I must of fallen asleep then and there because the next thing I know my dads waking me up. "Sarah and Tom are leaving now, I think you should head over." He says.

"Alright." I get up and get dressed and put my hair in a messy bun before grabbing a couple bags and getting an uber to the house.

I knock on the door but no answer and the car in the drive is gone. I knock again but still nothing so I just walk in the open door, shutting it behind me.

Sarah said I would have the room on the first left so that's where I put my bags. "What the hell are you doing here?" Kieran asks from the doorway.

"I'm your babysitter." I smirk.

"I'm older than you." He states.

"Not mentally." I sigh.

"I know my parents told you to stay here and look after me but that's unneeded." Kieran says, picking up my bag and handing it to me.

"They're paying me fifty dollars a day, I'm staying." I argue.

"To hell you are." Kieran storms over me and grabs my wrist and makes an attempt of dragging me out the door but I simply grab on to the bed post and reframe from moving.

"I told you, I'm not going anywhere." I sass. Kieran grunts before picking me up and unexpectedly throwing me over his shoulder. "Kieran what are you doing? Put me down!"

"Don't worry I will." He says, marching down the stairs. He gets to the bottom and opens the door to the house and drops me down outside before slamming the door in m face.

The Bad Boy Changed Me -Book 2Where stories live. Discover now