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Jayden's POV:

I jump in after the barely set off car and swim to the bottom where I see the submerged car.

I pull the door off it's hinges and pull my princes out and drag her up to shore. There's no way I could climb back up the cliff so I take her to the land near by.

"Jessica!" I shout, hoping she'll respond.

Soon the boys surround us. "Kai, did you push her off the road?" I ask.

"No, I don't I know what happened to her she just went off."

"Oh my god Jess!" I hear Kieran shout from the cliff. He drives down into the water and swims over to us. "What happened?"

"She crashed." I reply. "Drove off the cliff."

"Sorry about your car bro." Holden says.

"My car? I don't care about my fucking car." He says before pushing past me and attempting CPR on Jess.

Holden calls and ambulance and when it arrives Kieran carries her to it. "One person in the ambulance." The paramedic says.

Kieran turns to me and punches me in the face, knowing I'll want to get in so before I can react he's already in the back. I run back to the cliff and get in my car before attempting to chase after the vehicle.

Kieran's POV:

They hook her up to machines as they rush her in and use the electrical shock thing but nothing. I take her luckily waterproof phone and call her parents and Jackson knowing they'll want to be here. As I hang up I see Jayden enter the ward. "Go away no one wants you here." I snap.

"Maybe she would. Are you forgetting she came to me today?" He questions.

"She was bored." I snap.

We both watch silently as they do everything they can to keep her alive.

Suddenly, Cameron and Alice burst through the doors. "Where is she?" Cameron shouts.

"She's in this room." I tell them.

"What the hell happened?"

"It's a long story." Jayden replies. Cameron turns to him with cold eyes and grabs him by the roughs of his shirt.

"Well all we have is time right now. Who even are you?" Cam asks.

"She was in a crash, she went off a cliff." I speak up.

"She was babysitting you, why weren't you with her?" Cameron snaps.

"Trust me, I wish I was." I reply.

Next Jackson, David and Maya arrive. "What happened?" Jackson asks.

"Car crash." I reply.

"You! You did this! This is all your fault!" Jackson shouts, grabbing the roughs of my shirt and shoving me against the wall.

"It's not my fault! You don't think I feel bad enough!" I yell back, punching him in the face.

"Boys that's enough." Cameron shouts, pulling us apart.

"Doctor!" Alice exclaims, spotting a medic come out Jess's room. "What's going on? Is she going to be okay?"

"I'm sorry but I'd prepare yourselves for the worst." He replies before walking down the hallway.

All of us stare in at her from the window. She's hooked up to so many machines and she's not moving at all, I can't even see her chest move as a sign of breathing.

The Bad Boy Changed Me -Book 2Where stories live. Discover now